1.5 yo dog having accidents as often as once a week, I desperately need help


New member
It’s not exactly a sudden change, but it went from once every few months to once a month to finally a few weeks after he got neutered around once a week. It’s baffling. Whenever I think that he’s ok to be left alone bc it’s been a while since the last accident, he will pee in the house. It’s not like a puddle, he will run and pee at the same time leaving a long pee trail so it’s hard to catch him in the act. But he always acts guilty immediately afterwards (eg suddenly hide and lie down in a corner) it’s not like he doesn’t get enough opportunities to go outside to pee anyways. For example today he peed in the house an hour after his walk (he peed lots during the walk). He doesn’t show any signs or anything. Any help is very much appreciated
@thinkpure7 I would call a vet and see if it's a health issue first, has there been any recent sources of stress or change in routine?

You might have to start again from training and give treats when they go outside. Since your dog pees and runs it could be a health concern, my girl is potty trained but when she was sick she would have uncontrollable accidents. Dogs sometimes try to hide when they're sick :(