“No Bark”


New member
Funny story, we realized that our dog H would bark when something caught him off guard outside (like a person approaching). Fair enough, makes sense. We started saying “no bark” when we’d see someone coming to 1. Make him aware of the approaching person and 2. Ask him not to bark. It works really well for him.

Well, then we got our second pup, M, who is a borderline reactive dog. M quickly learned that when we’re outside and say “no bark,” it means something to bark at is coming. Now whenever we say “no bark,” to keep H from barking at someone, it triggers M to start barking. We can be alone in the house and say “no bark” and he will stop what he’s doing to do a single ruff.

TL;DR: We accidentally taught our pup to bark on command by saying “no bark”
@idris07bon Haha, my beagle self-soothes by grabbing something (usually a toy, but when someone he LOVES comes in he'll go for anything) but he still whines (very loudly) around whatever is in his mouth. So we end up with a beagle excitedly running circles absolutely screaming around a tennis ball in his mouth.

So much better than him baying at anything and everything though. Lemme tell ya, for a 25lb dog. He has got some PIPES.
@isa4031 Ah, I live in a place where our pod is constrained to our immediate household by health regulations, so thats a weird thought for me. Stay safe!
@isa4031 Hell no, it's cause government is stupid and obsessed with pushing self agenda's and motivated by greed... Lockdown does not work - social distancing and education does, wear your mask, try to avoid touch if possible, keep close to your inner circle and try to see they do so also. Not hard.
@trying_to_make_it Hahahaha my dog does the same. We taught me to “hush” so when he’s barking and we say “hush” he lays back down on his bed, keeps looking at the thing he was barking at and barks without opening his mouth. It’s hilarious every time it happens.
@madisynwalkers I accidentally taught my last dog that “leave it” means “there’s something really good nearby that I haven’t seen yet so I should try to figure out what it is instead of paying attention to the human”
@natenate We’re working on reactive training with M, because currently nothing will stop him from going nuts when he sees someone outside.

I’ve started saying “here come some friends!” to H instead, because he someone knows the word friend and gets soo excited when he hears it lol. He’s our social guy while M thinks everyone and everything is a threat. Crazy how two “brothers” can be so different!