general question

  1. B

    Am I being unreasonable

    Hello everyone, We own two dogs, and we have a new neighbor who has a dog that, every time she hears our dog, goes running toward our fence and barks, which I completely understand. However, I have started to notice a pattern. I’m noticing that even when our dogs aren’t outside, when the dog...
  2. N

    Dog growling at other dogs

    Hi all, first time posting here. I have a 20 month old golden retriever x border collie female - currently unspayed awaiting this to be done soon. In the past 2/3 months she has started growling at other dogs on walks/anywhere she meets them. It’s slowly getting worse and is becoming...
  3. A

    Need tips on how to take the pack out and about

    Hello! First post in this group and I’m needing some advice. I have two dogs, a 7 year old male Australian cattle dog and a 7 year old female German shepherd, husky mix. We’ve had the heeler for 5 years and the husky for a year and a half. The thing I’m struggling with is that each dog on a...
  4. L

    Does sneezing always mean playing?

    We have a 13 year old Maltese poodle mix and adopted a new puppy in January that is now almost 6 months old. They like to fight a lot but I can’t tell if they’re just playing. The puppy is very obviously just playing because she’s wagging her tail and booping my older dog then running away and...
  5. M

    Protect vinyl flooring

    What do y’all use for protecting vinyl floors from crates? We have 2 metal and one impact crate. Foam tile flooring seems expensive to cover the area of 3 crates and I’m not a fan of the washable pads.
  6. B

    My dogs keep chewing my niece's underwear

    My dogs keep chewing my niece’s underwear I have 2 6 month old Pitbull pups and they keep chewing up the crotch area of my niece’s underwear so bad to the point that I have to go to the store and purchase new ones. What does this mean? Any solutions? I can’t seem to understand why this keeps...
  7. C

    My 6 year old dog is being weird

    I had my 6 year old dog, Bruno, for 5 years when I lived with my parents and then a year ago me and Bruno moved in with my boyfriend. We brought a puppy, max, home a few months ago and though there were some incidents that Bruno growled and max, they would play. About 2 months in to having max...
  8. B

    Prospective dog parent essential considerations?

    Hi dog parents! I 25(F) have wanted to get a dog for a very long time. I grew up with them and after graduating from grad school and securing my current job which I’ve been in for over 6 Months now I want to start seriously considering adopting a dog relatively soon (probably in about a year). I...
  9. M

    My dog just attacked another dog

    As the title said... For a bit of context: My son was walking her as he does three times a day. We live in an area where everyone has a dog. Today he took her out with her collar which is a bit loose, rather than the harness, as he does usually. So he and the dog took a public grass path near...
  10. S

    My 2 year old dog keeps attacking my 8 month old dog Help

    We have a Blue Heeler named Jack, and we got him in Sept. 2021. At the time we had 2 other dogs also Yuki and Princess. Unfortunately, Yuki passed away in Oct. 2022, and Princess passed away in Feb. 2023. During that time Jack would play with them all the time, when they passed away he started...
  11. O

    Quick question:

    Hello all! As a pet parent myself, I often wonder what if there is an app that provides: Graphs that track the progression of your dog’s reactivity to each trigger, and get personalised advice accordingly (you can add activities and reminders to your day like walking, training, etc.); A GPS...
  12. C

    any advice on my dogs aggression towards my other dog

    My dog oleska (4months F) has been really aggressive towards my dog Kevin (4months M) I thought it would go away but it became worse, oleska would follow Kevin just to fight him. I have been doing leashing oleska up for 2 minutes for punishment but she doesn't seem to get it. I finally had a...
  13. T

    Should I adopt?

    I (23M) am a massive dog person and sadly lost our family golden/lab a few years ago. I’ve been wanting to adopt an adult doggo that needs a good home, but I’m a bit unsure if I should with my current work schedule - I work 7a-6p Tuesday through Friday but do go home for an hour lunch break each...
  14. N

    My wife and I are getting a puppy this summer. Come, bring me your wisdom

    My wife and I have wanted a dog for a long time. We're very excited. We're getting a puppy, young as we can get it. We want something like a lab or a retriever or some mutt thereof or abouts. I love labs but in my experience their priorities go 1) food, 2) ball, 3) human. I'm leaning retriever...
  15. P

    Is my dog just telling me her preferences, or is she becoming stubborn/bratty?

    Recently when I’ve tried to take my dog for a walk, she will walk up to my car in the driveway and want to get in but when we walk by it, occasionally she will turnaround and say no. Like she isn’t going to go on a regular walk. Car = dog park (3x per week) Park/hike/trail = (3x per week) So...
  16. Y

    Did my mom do something to my dog?

    I'm starting to think either 1. My dog doesn't like my mom or 2. She traumatized him in some way and he is scared of her. For context: I have one of the most obedient, sweet, & loving dogs. He's an American Staff, Husky, German Shepherd & Boxer mix. He's almost 100 pounds, a BIG boy. He may...
  17. A

    Dog Product Idea Survey

    Hi, I am doing a survey on a potential dog product. Would any dog owners be able to give feedback? Thank you!\_link
  18. N

    First time adopter

    My partner and I are planning to adopt. I want to be sure we are fully prepared. What are some good resources for information on adopting a rescue? What things should we anticipate to be prepared to address generally? We both work from home and basically have a massive 50 block park across the...
  19. T

    How feasible is it to have a dog if you have depression?

    I suffer from depression/anxiety and I hear that dogs can be literal life savers. However, I’m not sure how I’d be able to care for a dog if I struggle to care for my self. I’d love to hear from British dog owners on the reality of owning a dog in the UK and if it’s feasible if you suffer with...
  20. A

    Picking up poop?

    Hi! I live in a city area and have two pups. This morning I was taking them on a walk along the lake front. My dog had diarrhea so she went about 4 times on our walk. At one point a lady rode by on her bike and yelled at me to pick up my poop. I said, “it was diarrhea?” because I was genuinely...