general question

  1. L

    My dog is peeing in my spaces

    My English cocker Spaniel is 5, her name is Naboo. She is a very nervous doggo and we are used to her emptying her bladder when she is nervous. She has gotten so much better over the years. But this week I left for 3 days with a friend. My partner stayed home. So she wasn’t with a stranger or...
  2. S

    Dog won’t eat for 30-45 minutes

    Hey yall! I’m new to owning a dog and I’ve noticed a few things. Is it normal that when I feed him (we feed him at specific times) he will refuse to eat for 30 minutes to an hour. He used to just start chowing down immediately. Secondly what are some of the best non kibble foods to give to him...
  3. L

    Advice managing a dog who is desperate for attention

    a little background info first, my dog is a female American Staff around 4 years old. My partner & I rescued her almost a year ago. we know nothing about where she came from as she was likely a breed & dump situation. But all things considered she’s been a really great dog since day one & we...
  4. D

    Dog Abandoned To Me, Previous Owner Refusing To Have Her Put In My Name, What To Do?

    TL;DR Ex-husband has abandoned his dog to me unexpectedly, but has refused to let the vets she's registered with to transfer her details to my name and put me as the owner for me to get her microchipped or anything else. Where do I stand legally and what is the best step for me to take? I Do not...
  5. V

    meds for car ride?

    what over the counter medicine can i give my dog for a 3.5 hour car ride to calm him?
  6. A

    New dog owner confused my dogs play as agression - how to handle it

    Encountered a new dog owner today letting her puppy socialise for the first time. There were about 5 dogs around her in this group, and I know they're all much older because my dog plays with them all regularly. My dog is 1 y/o and 6kg, so still very puppyish. He layed next to this baby puppy...
  7. A

    Is my puppy growing to fast? Am I over feeding him?

    Before I start I want to say my puppy is a mutt so there isn't any way to know how big he will actually be. So I adopted a puppy when he was 2 months old. When he arrived here I took him to The vet and he was 1,5 kg. He was actually quite small. When he was 4 months old he was more or less 5...
  8. G

    My puppy won't stop eating poop, it's ruining my relationship with my fiancé

    My fiancé (23F) and I (23M) have a beautiful 6 month old F Corgi. We have had her since she was 3 months. Ever since we brought her home, she has been an avid poop eater. We live in apartments, where there is often feces from dogs and cats in the grass and courtyards around the complex, which...
  9. O

    I want a dog

    I live in Scotland,I have wanted a dog as a companion and friend for years,I suffer from depression and anxiety since I was a child(am 43 now) and still find life difficult both me and my partner work full time and live in a flat (appartment for the U.S. readers). We have no children and no way...
  10. S

    Bath time help

    Anybody have any tips for a dog who hates baths? I have a rescue lab mix (almost 1.5yrs) and I’m not sure of her history before I got her but she HATES baths. I’ve only given her 1 successful bath in the 3 months I’ve had her because last time I got her into the bathroom she shakes and pants and...
  11. H

    Can I carry my puppy around in a backpack style carrier when I’m running errands?

    We recently got a puppy and still a few weeks to go before he’s fully vaccinated. He gets his roaming around time in a controlled environment, and we always keep an eye on him. He’s still a puppy and yet to be introduced to a lot of sensory stuff, and so I think bringing him on errands like a...
  12. P

    Help with new puppy - toilet

    Hi all, I have just gotten my new little puppy. He is around 9 weeks old and a Cocker Spaniel x Poodle and just trying to figure out how to best try and potty train him. He seems to always gravitate towards this fluffy rug for his pee but pooped on the pad. Is there any help with trying to...
  13. L

    He refuses to poop!?!?!?

    So I got a dog a little over a month ago, I also moved into a new place at the same time. When I was taking him potty he would at first go in our little yard area, then he started refusing to go there, I figured it was because other people's dogs were coming into our yard and pooping and it...
  14. J

    Goldens torn acl

    Hello everyone so my husband and I recently took my parents dog under our wing she’s a golden retriever and she’s about four years old. she tore her ACL back in the fall. She did have surgery to correct it but it’s been about three months and I’ve noticed that she’s still limping. My parents...
  15. R

    My 3 months old puppy doesn’t want to play with me

    Hello, Last week, I adopted a Yorkshire Terrier puppy that will turn 3 months old in 2 days. I have never had a pet in my life so this is all an uncharted territory for me. I realized that my puppy does not want to play with me. Every time I try to interact with him and try to play with him...
  16. A

    Meeting my gf’s cat for the first time

    My girlfriend and I are planning on my dog meeting her cat this weekend. Im driving down with him from upstate NY to her Brooklyn apt (1 bedroom) for the weekend. For context: I have a 4 year old, 23lbs American Water Spaniel mutt (not 100% sure of the breed but the resemblance is uncanny)...
  17. O

    Can a dog be your friend?

    Hi! My family adopted a 2 year old medium shelter dog. He's been with us for 2 months. We had a german shepherd before, since he was a puppy, who passed away a year ago at the age of 3 (probably a cancer or sudden heart issue, the vet couldn't tell). He was reactive, barked often which was a...
  18. E

    I need help/advice

    I have 3 dogs. 13 yr F Shihtzu (Smoosh)25lbs, 10 yr M ChcLab/GSP mix (Bronx) 70lbs and a 9 yr M Grmnshp 115lbs (Draven). When I got Draven as a puppy him and Bronx were cuddly and close. Bronx and Smoosh were both fixed and I wasn't going to get Draven fixed to possibly breed him. When his...
  19. T

    Is it messed up to leave my dog home w/ NO AC?

    My girlfriend and I have had this long running argument. I leave my house for work and turn everything off. My spot doesn’t have central air. My AC unit drains a lot of my electricity. Last month my electric bill went from $120 to $250. I have set a strong boundary that she needs to turn off the...
  20. P

    Neighbour accused me of not picking up dog poop and threatened to film me

    Hi everyone. I just want advice on a pretty frustrating situation. I was going on my afternoon walk with my dog earlier in our neighbourhood area. He is a big sniffer and likes to stay at one spot to sniff if he find something interesting. He was sniffing under a tree when we were on our walk...