dog grooming

  1. F

    Chart to show owners length?

    So I am a groomer in training under a groomer of 30 years, not really relevant but I’ll say it anyway. I do everything but faces and tails, that’s January. We were talking and we were wondering if there is a way to make some king of chart with some hair or something to show owners how if they...
  2. J

    *URGENT* Please tell me Im not crazy and this isn't normal!?

    I recently changed jobs, and it feels like the way they run their grooming department is atrocious. Im gonna try and make this short and to the point. Also Id like to point out I dont exactly have the option to just "run and quit" right now. The most annoying issue I have here is that they dont...
  3. Y

    Groomer trainee, not sure if I’m being treated unfairly

    Hello, I just need some help deciphering if I’m being treated unfairly at my job. Started at a shop in Ohio almost a year ago, June 27th at $10 an hour. Was given a raise to $11 after ninety days. And am now being told I won’t get $12 until I can do 6 dogs a day in between the hours of 9-5...
  4. C

    How did my pup's first groom go so wrong, and how do I prevent it in the future (without sounding like a total B)?

    I hope this post is OK. I'm a customer, not a groomer, but you awesome peeps are by far the most qualified community to answer, ESPECIALLY the "without sounding like a total B" part! I had a bit of a disaster with my first ever pro groom, and am kinda an awkward human so would love some feedback...
  5. P

    Okay to shave?

    I'm contemplating shaving my girl, but I can't figure out if it would be good or harmful? You know how some breeds have multiple coats of fur, and if you shave them it doesn't grow back right? Or, something like that? I'm not an expert, I just know that some breeds you shouldn't touch their fur...
  6. M

    BuT iT's OnLy FiVe MiNuTeS

    I must be the meanest, most heartless groomer in the world... Anyway, I take a phone call and it's a woman calling to say she'd be five minutes late to her appointment. Mind you, she's calling at her scheduled appointment time. Now she wasn't my client, but her groomer was jam packed with dogs...
  7. M

    Shop Manager

    Hey friends, I am new to grooming. I've run an indie pet shop for about 5 years. We have just recently opened grooming and are about 4 months into it. I currently have one PT bather and one FT groomer. We are adding a second FT groomer to our team this week. What are things your manager does...
  8. J

    Should i shave down my dog?

    BEFORE ANYONE COMMENTS about abuse or neglect or that life can’t “happen”. I lived with two roommates, one went to their hometown for a few months and the other got into an accident and didn’t survive. I was alone with the dog but too depressed to care for her so a friend (who unfortunately...
  9. T

    Hypermobile joints mean I can't be on my feet for more than 3 hrs - would a job dog grooming still be possible?

    (26, F) I'm fine if I can sit down and rest every hour or so, and I can wear good shoes etc to help but I had to quit my old job because I was in too much agony doing 8 hour shifts on my feet. I've saved for a course and really want to get qualified for dog grooming but don't want to spend all...
  10. M

    What’s you “I’m running behind” song?

    I know all of you have something that plays in your head when you’re in that crunch time! For me it’s “break my stride,” but I replace it with,” I got to keep on groooming!” And yes I have been caught singing it out loud. I worked with a groomer who would sing, “deck the halls” but a dog...
  11. R

    Building home walk-in shower for my giant beasts - need sprayer recommendation

    I am building a walk-in dog shower in a spare room (well, it's being built for me). My two Anatolian Shepherds are large, 110 and 145 lbs, and we hope this setup will work well as they get older. I need a sprayer/shower system. Since they have long double coats, I assume a heavier duty spray...
  12. J

    At a bit of a loss, really need some grooming tips/advice for my Aussie

    Summertime is always really difficult for my Aussie (I'm not much of a fan of it either tbh) and I've tried a number of brushes with minimal success. I've got a slicker brush, two different types of furminators, an uncoat rake, and of course those double-sided brushes. I will say, I get far more...
  13. J

    it took me all day to do 3 dogs…

    but i’m still proud of myself. i’ve been at this for a few months, so i know i should be faster. especially since the services weren’t even full grooms. but i stuck with it. i did it. and i actually wasn’t filled with anxiety about it all. it’s just been me in the shop today, so i’ve been...
  14. R

    What customer comments made you want to literally reach across the counter and slap someone?

    Customer inquired about the price of grooming two standard poodles. I quote £90 per dog, will take roughly 2 hours per dog. “£90 for 2 hours? That’s £45 per hour, do you know how much a junior doctor makes?” In what universe would 100% of the payment go straight in the groomers pocket...
  15. M

    Would anyone be willing to critique a couple of grooms?

    Hello everyone! I'm a groomer in training, and have done a few grooms so far. I'm curious if there is any feedback that you guys think could help me? Or anything you see sticking out on these that I should watch for? :) First groom ever! Shave down with a 7FC all over. Before: After...
  16. L

    Time to leave?

    Hello, I started at my new job about 2 months ago it’s a grooming position at a veterinarian and payed hourly/commission (whichever is higher). I was brought on knowing I’d have to build up the business and freedom on how dogs are scheduled plus pricing but the issue is I didn’t think to ask...
  17. C

    I have just gotten into the world of grooming and started an online class any tips on how to practice

    Hello i have been grooming my own dog for years now along with being the bather for a local shelter for a long while and i decided while searching for a job path involving dogs i decided grooming is a great one. I have sence started an online class that im loving so far and i have applied for a...
  18. L

    What age puppies do you intake and when do you start doing real clips/styles

    Thank you in advance even if you laugh at me. I want to desensitize and normalize and have a well-behaved pup. Clean, healthy, with groomers who don't hate us. Constant reminders about parvo have me freaked. He's only had one shot yet. Don't let him touch the ground, don't let him sniff...
  19. A

    Hand stripping for dummies

    Hello there! Not a groomer, just a happy owner of a 1yo mini schnauzer. Our groomer is currently rolling his coat, and he constantly looks like a puppy with a long curly hair on his back. I’m wondering if we can combine clipping and rolling because I just love that “proper” schnauzer look. As...
  20. R

    Helping receptionist understand appointment booking when they have zero prior grooming experience?

    Hey y’all. So, I recently started grooming at a daycare that never had a stylist before. This has been great so far, but the original receptionist parted ways and now we’re working with a newer receptionist who’s never worked with a groomer before so I wanted to type up a little sheet to help...