dog grooming

  1. S

    Need advice on switching over to 1099

    Hey everyone, I've been a dog groomer for around 7 years now and I've always been W-2, since it's just easier to let the people I work for handle my taxes out of my paycheck. However, recently the owner of grooming salon I've been working for for over 3 years now has sold the business to a...
  2. T

    Dumb, LONG vent

    i know this subreddit is soooo flooded with annoying pet parents and frustrating dogs, but i have to get this off my chest because this one takes the cake. dad tried to book online, did it wrong, called to fix it, whatever. 10mo cocker spaniel, okay, sure. as i’m booking the appointment, he...
  3. T

    What does a BAD grooming day look like? Don’t hold back plz! And 1 good thing a new groomer won’t expect !

    I’m a hairdresser right now and I’ve always loved animals I do my dads dog he has an Australian Shepard, I’ve been grooming him for the last 5 years and I love it! I want to start doing it professionally! With that being said, I want to hear the bad parts of the job. If you guys don’t mind...
  4. K

    Home setup for standard poodle question

    TL;DR - is the below list a good list of products to purchase? Or would you pick something else? For a black standard poodle, kept in puppy cut. Hello! I've been lurking for a while, but this is my first post. I am getting my first standard poodle in August, at 12-weeks old. I have experience...
  5. B

    AITA Grooming Edition?

    I had a client call today and I just can’t tell if I handled it appropriately or not - so all opinions welcome Client called and left a message saying the following: “I brought (dogs name) in mid-April for a groom and he got pink eye shortly after, I guess the day after his groom. I got a huge...
  6. K

    This may be a silly questions but longer length on the legs grooms

    So, every dog that I’ve had come in they request 1 length all over. But I had a customer call in today and say that they like to go longer on the legs than they would for the body but no specifics. So my question is, how much longer do you go on the legs when there’s no specifics ? My thought...
  7. G

    Shop with me! - first time poodle owner getting grooming products

    Hi Groomers :) I'm a first time mini poodle owner. I lived with a shepherd for a long time and I must say, it's a different experience all around. My main concern is the...
  8. P

    How the flying f*ck do you dremel down a small fluffy dog’s nails?

    We’ve gone through the desensitization process and we’ve just started actually dremeling. He’s 10lbs and long haired - I trimmed down his fur around his paws but there’s inevitably some rouge pieces. Because his paws are so small, I can’t get the drum under the nail without it catching the paw...
  9. S

    Rec for conditioner?

    I’d love some recommendations for conditioner for my Havanese. My groomer never tells me and he’s so much softer after coming from her than after I bathe him. I use fresh n clean shampoo and the stuff spray in conditioner. He’s chilled out a lot so he could easily tolerate a separate...
  10. E

    Need some help picking good shoes!

    Ok so a little back ground first. I am not a dog groomer but my girlfriend is. I love her very much, but the smell from her feet after work could kill someone. I think it might be the shoes she wears. She is currently wearing some "waterproof" slip on shoes which being slip on does not do much...
  11. R

    Equipment maintenance

    Are there any master posts that cover maintenance for all of the tools I use daily in one place? e.g.: clippers, blades, 4-in-1, shears, brushes? I’m pretty new in my grooming career and not sure how often I should be cleaning or replacing things.
  12. C

    Brush suggestions for at home bonding grooming (not a groomer - cross posted from r/dogs)

    Does anyone else have a dog with that cashmere goat textured hair? My muppet mop dog is like a soft fluffy cloud, but his hair mats so easily. He is a rough faced pyrenean shepherd/Australian shepherd mix (he looks like a slightly larger extra fluffy Pyr Shep). He goes to a professional groomer...
  13. A

    1099 Groomer?

    I’ve recently gone through several salon interviews and finally landed on a salon that fits everything on my list in terms of standards, quality, and care. The only issue is is that to be brought on I would have to be a 1099 I.C.. I’ve heard a lot of negative things involving being a I.C. and...
  14. M

    Fake Whal guard combs?

    I recently bought some Whal guard combs on Facebook marketplace, and they number 1-8. But I looked on the Whal website and saw that the ones they sell number 0-5 and A,B, and C. Did I buy fake ones? Or are they just an older model? They look identical though and all the lengths are the same.
  15. C

    Genuine question: groomer report cards

    Hello, dog groomers of Reddit. 👋🏽 I am just genuinely curious about this… if your salon gives clients “report cards” will you tell them if their dog is difficult during the groom? We’ve been seeing our same groomer for the same 2 years since he was 4 mo old so I think he’s pretty good with...
  16. R

    Quality thinners feedback

    Hi everyone, I hope you are well. I’d like to buy quality thinners as I’m not happy with my current ones. I’ve browsed previous suggestions but haven’t found feedback on the ones I like. I’m interested in the below, if anyone has any feedback to give (reviews online are mixed for some) ...
  17. S

    Does a citrusy/crisp/fresh linen-y coat spray exist?

    First off, just want to express my appreciation for this sub. I did a lot of reading here when I brought home a goldendoodle and when we arrived to her first puppy grooming appointment fully brushed, nails already trimmed, and armed with all the right questions, her groomer actually said...
  18. Y

    I’m sitting here in constant pinching pain! If you do tricks to get yours out I’d love to know

    I’m not new to this so I can handle it here and there. But we blow out and do everything in the same room.. I try everything to avoid hair splinters but it’s been soooo bad last few months. I have splinters everywhere! I mean EVERYWHERE. My face, chest, legs, feet, my boobs dude.. please help...
  19. F

    Deshedding blades (loop)?

    This is actually a cat question but I figured dog people would know more about them. I wanted to know what people thought about the metal loop deshedding blades? I usually brush my cats (all short hairs) with a slicker brush which works for one cat but doesn’t really get any fur off the other...
  20. D

    What’s y’all’s biggest pet peeve?

    (vent incoming) personally, mine is when owners come in before their dog is done. or when owners call 1 single hour after dropping off their massive doodle asking if they’re done yet. like. we quoted a few hours and told you we would call you. did we call you? no. did we forget to call you? no...