dog care

  1. J

    German Shepherd with terrible allergies, nothing is working, what have you done to help your dogs with allergies?

    My 9 year old GSD has been having terrible allergies for the past 4-5 years. She chews up her legs to the point where she bleeds and gets infections. She’s also been on steroids for so long and she keeps drinking too much water and peeing in the house. We started with Benadryl, which made her...
  2. S


    I have a 2y/o APBT mix, we do so much exercising, i wonder what else i could’ve doing to get her fats, proteins and vitamins to help her gain weight.(she needs it.) i can’t raw feed, and can’t afford to splurge on supplements so if anyone has any cheap + accessible ways to enrich their dogs...
  3. J

    Moving cross-country - how to move dog?

    We have a 35 lb mixed breed dog who is 8 years old. We will be moving cross-country (too far to easily drive) and I’m trying to figure out how to transport the dog. I’ve moved twice before with him but that was before they changed the rules about emotional support animals on flights, and he was...
  4. B

    Do I rehome my dog?

    Hey there. This is going to be a long one. I adopted my dog in November, she was a 7 month old Terrier mix, spayed female. She is the sweetest pup I’ve ever seen, instantly gelled in with my boyfriend and I. We tried to take her with us everywhere in the initial days, but then read about the...
  5. 0

    3.5 year old pit randomly started kicking after peeing - should I be worried?

    I have a 3.5 year old neutered Am Staff male. When we we first go outside, he squats to do his long pee, and then after that he lifts his leg to mark/do a short pee on random things about 4-5 times during a normal 30 minute walk. He has never kicked up dirt after doing his business in the 2...
  6. E

    Adopting a dog need some advice

    My gf and I live in an apt and we’re adopting a rescue from Louisiana in a few weeks. I work 12 hours shifts roughly 4 days a week and she’s a teacher sometimes working longer hours if she has to stay over or not. If she takes the dog out before work I’ll be home roughly 8-9 hours later then...
  7. S

    Anyone Have a Dog With Mitral Valve Disease (MVD)?

    Just reposting from the r/ Vets sub to see if I can get more eyes on this or hear different experiences: About My Dog Breed: Miniature Schnauzer Gender: Female Age: 9 (Turning 10 this year) Neuter Status: Spayed Weight: 14 lbs (don't remember specifically) Past History: Heart Murmur...
  8. R

    Choosing a Good Dog Shampoo

    If I'm going to shop for a dog shampoo, what factors should I consider? Are there any specific ingredients I should look for or any harmful chemicals I need to avoid? I'm thinking of getting one from Bugalugs Pet Care or Oodlelife. Would herbal or oatmeal-based shampoos be better options? Let me...
  9. L

    Did I f up trimming my dog?

    So I was trimming my poodle's face, trying to tidy it up myself and give it a cleaner look. One thing lead to another and I suddenly realized I trimmed a lot more than intended and suddenly it doesn't look like a poodle anymore. Am I putting my dog at risk of heatstroke? dog
  10. S

    Flea’s Be Gone

    Me and my wife just moved into an old farmhouse with our newborn , and two female pets. Dog (pit bull) and cat (cat). We’ve been dealing with fleas for the past month. Outside, there is a ton of unkept, over grown landscaping. Ticks and Fleas have been more real to us than ever before🥴 We tried...
  11. F

    Is my walk schedule (9am/4pm/11pm) unhealthy? (senior dogs)

    I'm dogsitting for a friend (10+ y/o yorkies) and she usually lets her dogs out in their backyard 5-6 times a day to poop/pee, but I'm in an apartment (no yard and can't house sit). I've been walking them at 9am, 4pm, and 11pm to make up for the frequency they usually get and also because I read...
  12. S

    My dog willfully refuses to eat until he gets sick unless he is catered to

    I'm at my wits end today. It's almost 3am and my dog has not eaten in more than 24 hours. He has had access to food all day long. I have placed it in safe places, given him his regular food, provided water, etc. But he refused to eat or drink. He will walk up to the food smell it, nose...
  13. A

    Rough Paws & Vitamin E Treatment

    Okay SO my pup is SUCH a domestic goirl. I’ve only ever raised strays and this little babe came to me from a family member who bought n unfortunately couldn’t provide after separating from partner. We live in urban AZ — I researched rough paws and how to mitigate pain/ouchies. I bought a...
  14. J

    My dog has a scratch in his eye.. My dad won’t help

    Someone please help! My dog has a scratch in his eye and its next to his pupil. I looked up that I should put him a damp cloth on his eye and I also gave him half a Benadryl so that he can sleep all night and not scratch his eye. I’m 19 and don’t have money for the vet and I’ve been trying to...
  15. K

    Dog diaper advice please!

    My Maltese is 10 and starting to have urinary incontinence so I decided to buy reusable diapers. My issue is that once it’s on she hides in her bed until I remove it. I’ve been slowly introducing it to her by wearing it for 15-30 minutes a day and giving her treats and pets, but she still...
  16. F

    Suggestions to Stop Premature aging in rot German Shepherd mix

    I have a rot/German Shepherd mix who if you met her would make u laugh and smile within minutes of meeting her regardless of whether your an animal lover or hate them she is a giant cuddle bug and lover.I feed her a raw food diet and her doc says she’s health as a horse.Within the last few month...
  17. J

    Wondering why my dog has this weird habit?

    So, I adopted my baby in March from a shelter. As w/ any shelter dog, you don't know much about their past, but I was told she was willingly surrendered, along w/ another dog, by her previous owners bc they weren't supposed to have pets and the landlord found out. Anyway, she's a year old...
  18. E

    How long did it take your hypothyroid dog to have symptom improvement?

    Our 8 yr old male Samoyed was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. His score was lower than 0.5 so it didn't even register on his blood test it was so low. How long did it going to take your hypothyroid dog to get back to being more of their self? A regular vet said he should be better within a few...
  19. M

    Frequent Urination Help!

    5 month old mini Bernedoodle with potty training type of issues. She asks to go out every hour or so, and if we dont get her out once at the door she will pee right at the door. She is sleeping 9 hrs at night in crate. She Can hold it in crate during day 4-5 hours if needed. But when out...
  20. H

    Creative ways to administer pills other than pill pockets?

    Hello! We have a three-year-old basset with a cancer diagnosis. He’s in the early stages of chemo and recently has become really picky about food and not wanting to take pills in particular. Not sure if it’s because of his prolific sniffer but he seems able to sniff out pills in almost...