dog care

  1. M

    Teeth (self x/post from r/dogtraining)

    Might not be the right place every but I thought it more apt the r/dogs :-P Anyhoo, my jack Russel pup is now 6 months old. All her adult teeth seem to have come through fine, but the lower puppy canines are still hanging on, with the adult canines on the inside. Everything looks OK, the adult...
  2. F

    Dog whining in the middle of the night- new behavior

    My 1.5 year old dog sleeps in his crate every night and has had no issues with it and even enjoys it. For about a week now, he’s been whining at odd times in the middle of the night and won’t stop until he’s let out of the crate. Once he’s let out, he just comes and sleeps on the bed. It’s not...
  3. E

    How often do you throw away/replace/donate certain dog items? (Long post

    TLDR version : I'm going through a cleanse of my dog's stuff. Checking on bowls, food storage containers, treat dispensers, toys, brushes, etc. But I don't know how to tell if any need to be thrown away, replaced or can even be donated. Examples: • Dog bowls - I replace them if they have dents...
  4. T

    New puppy coming but work pattern has changed - advice please!

    I'm looking for advice so that I can give my new puppy the best care possible. I am expecting to pick up my new puppy from the breeder next week. I have wanted a dog for so long and I'm one of those people who prefer dogs to humans lol. We couldn't have a dog before as we were in a flat and...
  5. C

    Kirkland dry dog food - lamb or chicken?

    I've recently spent waaay too much time researching dog food and have narrowed it down to the lamb and chicken from Costco. My dogs are mixed breeds, ~25 lbs. I'm currently mixing their kibble with the canned versions of the lamb and chicken and hoping to transition to 100% kibble (unless...
  6. D

    My puppy of 5 months isn’t eating but is drinking!!

    This morning he wouldn’t come out of his house until just now when I arrived home he started jumping towards me and cuddling up against me I tried to give him canned food instead of his kibble but he didn’t eat that, what should I do! But I gave him some milk to clear his system (he drank all of...
  7. E

    My dog is constantly anxious and it makes my own anxiety so much worse

    I have a 5 y/o lab/husky mix who is VERY needy. She has virtually no independence and is only happy when I take her on walks/runs or when she is getting fed or loved on, which I obviously can't do all day long. Otherwise she acts depressed and anxious. She follows me everywhere I go and stares...
  8. A

    4 year old dog become inactive. Should I worry?

    Hi everyone, please give me your advice about my dog health. I am bad at explaining so bear with me. My dog is 4 years and a few months old. He is a local breed, which is hard to describe. Basically, people in the mountain area doesnt really care how their dogs breeding so there is official...
  9. T

    Puppy has low platelet count and wbc

    Puppy has low platelet count and wbc. My lab puppy is currently confined at the vet for monitoring since yesterday. Her cbc test showed extremely low wbc and platelet count, but everything else seemed normal. WBC Result: 7.9 / Range: 6.0-17.0 PLT Result: 55 / Range: 117-460 She was negative...
  10. G


    I have a black and white American bulldog (F 4 MO) and she has pink skin so I'm very worried about sunburns because we live in the desert. Is there a brand of sunscreen that I can use for her or can anyone recommend a sunscreen for dogs that isn't too expensive?
  11. M

    Dogwalking time?

    Is it okay if i walk my dog for 15 minutes 4 times a day? There is like no free time in my day so i have to spilt up her walks. So is 4 walks and 2 feedings is that ok or no? Shes is about 3 years old maybe older were not quite sure
  12. N

    Emergency advice needed

    When I woke up with my dog this morning, his face was swollen. I gave him half a benadryl and went to return paperwork for a job that I'm being hired for after several months of being unemployed. When I returned a few hours later, his face was swollen very, very badly. I gave him another half of...
  13. M

    Safe coffee-flavored dog treats?

    I have a 2.5 year old 7 pound Chihuahua rescue who absolutely LOVES the smell of coffee. Obviously, we never let him have any, but the way he acts with it makes me think he may have gotten some in his previous home, because he begs his hardest whenever anyone in my house makes coffee. I'm not...
  14. V

    Continuously getting hives pit bull mix

    Hi, my poor pup has been dealing with skin allergies most of her life. She gets red, itchy, and irritated but they mostly always go away. Recently we’ve been having a hard time trying to treat her. Here’s a timeline; ◦ 4/25/2023 First skin infection appt with her vet (not for hives just...
  15. M

    Trust my vet or go with my gut? Separation anxiety and medications

    My dog (10 year-old, 30 lb supermutt) started experiencing separation anxiety when we moved into a new apartment in October. Barking, howling, pacing, screaming, chewing at the gate/door frame. I’ve tried a bunch of different things and after a visit to the vet, we’re trying prescription...
  16. M

    Best Bone/Chewing toy for my anxious small dog?

    Hi everyone! I’m looking for a long-lasting bone for my dog who is a chronic paw licker when he’s anxious. He’s a chihuahua mix but goes through greenies and bones too quick. He’s very picky about his bones. We rescued him and he’s never played with toys. He has no interest in fake bones...
  17. P

    Took dog to vet for frequent urination and found a bunch of health problems

    My 10 year old female, spayed Chihuahua was having accidents in the house frequently and straining to pee. I took her to the vet and they found bacteria in her urine, so they put her on antibiotics for 10 days. We noticed she was still acting the same, so we took her back and an X-ray was...
  18. N

    Should I leave my dogs outside?

    I have two dogs both about 1.5 years. Weather today is supposed to be great. No rain, temps between 45°F - 70°F. They have a tree they can take cover under from the sun. Grass they can lay in. A fully fenced yard they can't get out of. One of them keeps peeing in their crate when we leave them...
  19. C

    Sheathes have fallen off of a few of my dog's nails, what should I do?

    Hi everyone. We recently adopted a lovely 8-year-old greyhound. He's been to the vet a few times and hasn't been diagnosed with any foot-related medical issues. Lately I've noticed that part or all of the sheaths of a few of his toenails have fallen off, leaving a rough surface underneath. When...
  20. D

    Dire Need of Help

    We rescued a dog about 5 months ago. She is about 2 years old. She was born on an Amish farm where she presumably was used as a deterrent for mice. Then she was taken by a hoarder- think TLC Hoarders. Yes, it was that bad. She had no potty training whatsoever at that point, and would pee in our...