
  1. M

    Has your dog ever barked at a stranger who was acting weird but you thought “fair enough. I’d bark too.” 🤔

    We’ve been working with our ACD mix on being less reactive but this happened today and I was okay with it. During our morning walk there was a guy sitting close to the bus stop on a ledge so I thought he was waiting on he bus. He seemed anxious. Then he stood up and paced around then walked...
  2. J

    [ADVICE] What age did your dog stop chewing at everything??

    For context: my ACD x German Shepherd mix is 8 months (almost 9) and has been with us since he was 5 months old. He was born on a farm then came to live in the suburbs 😂 Is there anything that can get him to stop getting into things? Or do they just grow out of the habit?
  3. A

    What to do if dog ignores a one person and literally signaling. f**k you but when other person comes it, He has him as a Master?

    What to do if dogs just ignores commands of one person and listen to other one, No matter the gender, it might be woman and he listens to her while much stronger men is ignored. Is there way to fix that?
  4. D

    My puppy's arsenal of chews

    Just a fun post listing all the things my puppy has gotten as chews and their ratings. Does not include things that were not meant to be chewed like cables, clothes, my hair, etc. Feel free to post what your puppy likes to chew on, I'm always on the lookout for more! For context my puppy is a...
  5. C

    Anybody’s ACD, uh, not cuddly or “sweet”?

    I have a half ACD(other half has other herding dog in her and some random hodge podge but she definitely looks and behaves like an ACD). She just turned one. Now, I’ll preface this by saying we love her and have no regrets. She’s beautiful and likes to play and has quite the personality. That...
  6. S

    Those of you with full-time jobs out of the home - how do you do it?

    I personally work from home and I cannot imagine how I would do it if I had a full-time job eight hours a day plus commute. What do you do with the puppy if you don’t have anybody else to watch them? You can’t possibly leave them in a crate 10 hours a day. How do U do potty training? Even if you...
  7. J

    Okay let’s start a thread. What’s your puppy’s favorite TV show?

  8. S

    When did you get rid of your x-pen?

    I have a 9.5 month old maltipoo (7 lbs - note she is too small to jump up on the couch) and her current set up for nighttime is open crate inside a closed x-pen, and during the day when I’m gone she has free reign of the living room and kitchen only. She’s been trustworthy during the day since...
  9. O

    Hide n seek with my aussie

    This is super random, but I thought I'd ask everyone if they think hide n seek is a good game for dogs. I just learned that my aussie really likes it! She's 2 yrs old and super smart. I told her to sit and stay in the hallway, so that she couldn't see me. And then I went into the living room...
  10. R

    Owners who don’t/can’t crate, how do you trust your puppy at night?

    I guess this is directed to puppies that do not sleep in the same room at night. I’m just curious at owners who do not use a crate or pen, how do you trust your puppy not to destroy the house at night? Edit for more info : Sooo my pup is crate trained and sleeps in the living room since day...
  11. E

    PSA: If you’re on the fence of taking your dog to the vet, just do it. Don’t listen to the internet

    Over the past year I’ve had several instances where I took my dogs to the vet for things that I initially felt I was overreacting about. Out of the many times, only one I was and it still did the right thing. Today solidified my feelings that if I feel like I need to just to it. I have a 12...
  12. E

    B.A.T. 2.0 vs Control Unleashed

    I am interested in reading one of these two books and wondering what experience others have had following either of these programs. My dog listens really well inside but not so well put in public and I want to work on a plan to address this. Thank you!
  13. J

    Advice for concerned owner. Vet doesn’t know what this is! Looking for advice

    I had an original post regarding my dog here and an update on the situation here The vet sent us home with antibiotics due to a fever but didn’t comment on anything else. She said she doesn’t have an idea on what this could be. We are waiting on blood work results. We are super worried. Vet...
  14. P

    1.5 y/o prospective service golden retriever doesn't comfort me when sad

    My 1.5 years old golden retriever doesn't seem to notice when I'm sad. Her behavior is indifferent and doesn't seem to acknowledge or care when I cry. I thought goldens are supposed to be sweet and comforting? Or is it because she's still too young to understand? ( I know they mentally mature at...
  15. F

    Any Radiologists on her? Please help me im such a wreck and heartbroken

    My dog abby is 4 and she jumped off the bed last saturday and ever since she has been limping. It was getting better then has gotten progressively worse. The vet has her on vetprofen and gabapentin for the last week. Below was the result of her x rays VET REPORTS: 8 radiographs of the thoracic...
  16. E

    I’m sick with the flu and my dogs found bear DIARRHEA and rolled in it 🤢. How’s y’all’s morning going?

    🤦🏼‍♀️ I swear. I swear y’all. I love my two dopes to death but oh my god. I think my main saving grace here is that my nose is stopped up so I can’t really smell it. What a way to start the morning. Edit: All your stories are killing me, the things we do for our dogs! Thanks for all the well...
  17. C

    Anyone rehome a dog they love? How are things now that it’s over?

    I have a beautiful GSD (I’ve always wanted one) I have to rehome due to a resident dog that attacked and bit her. We’ve kept the dogs separated since June, when the major attack occurred. An acquaintance who lives nearby may take her, which might be nice - she’d only be 10 blocks away, but… it’s...
  18. G

    Alternative to BANG

    I have a 3 1/2 month old puppy, that I am teaching new tricks, which he picks up pretty quickly. I am in the process of teaching him how to lay on his back with his paws in his face commonly known as the BANG/ G U N/ play dead. I’m curious if others have an alternative phrase/name/trick with the...
  19. K

    Baby food for dogs?

    If anyone has tried or currently use baby food for their dog as a dog food topper please share your recommendations here. I have a picky girl who usually won’t eat without a dog food topper. I wet her food so it is more appetizing but apparently she is too smart for that. I also suspect a...
  20. K

    4 month old pit/lab/hound mix who loves to chew. ISO puppy teeth safe longer lasting edible chews

    large breed puppy with already strong jaws but weak dumb still-growing teeth. He got a hold of a bully stick from a variety pack recently and he LOVED it. I was going to take it from him but for some reason this one seemed to get soft really quickly so i just observed and watched the entire...