
  1. W

    Vomiting mostly undigested food

    My 3 y/o GSD mix has been vomiting mostly undigested food almost 4-5 hours after eating. It’s not every day, but i would say once a month, maybe less. It didn’t start until he was probably around 2-2 1/2. It’s happened the last two nights, but he has no problem eating in the morning. He’s also...
  2. S

    7y/o boy, weakness in hips/instability in hind legs

    Thanks in advance if you’re reading this ❤️ I have a 7 year old boy, turns 8 in June. He started presenting with issues in his hind legs about 6 months ago, and it began with him being a bit slower than usual to get up from bed, or a bit cranky if I tried to move him off a sleeping surface to...
  3. S

    Female dog is bleeding during heat but far more than usual

    She's a Shih Tzu and is 8 yrs old. I understand that we should've gotten her spayed and am okay with getting told off about it (rightfully). The only bleeding I've ever noticed during her heats is 1-2 drops however I woke up 2 days ago to a small pool of blood on the floor. It was about the size...
  4. G

    How to create stability for a dog

    My partner and I have recently had a newborn baby. The birth was unplanned and admits all the chaos, we moved back in with my parents to find a new place. However, since the baby has been born, my partners usually really behaved dog had began to act out of character: using potty inside the...
  5. M

    Unwanted help from roommate with dogs

    UPDATE: so I have not had a chance to sit down and talk to her yet today, but she contacted me and said she was going to start putting a bark collar on not only her dog but mine and our roommates puppy…I don’t even know what to say back. I just haven’t responded. Not only is this a total...
  6. A

    Any suggestions for how to get rid of moles in my yard?

    Hey y’all, so I went to let the dogs out just now & for the first time in the 8.5 years I’ve lived in this house, I’ve got a mole in my yard. I know it’s a mole cuz other neighbors have had issues with them, I guess I’ve always just gotten lucky. Anyways, I could just let my dogs eat it like...
  7. P

    6 years old lab x bernese mountain dog motorcycle issue and outdoor cats issue

    A couple weeks ago, I started to see motorcycle on the road. My dog is still reacting to them (I just didn't know how to her not to chase them when she was a puppy) and will bark and lunge at them. It goes the same way with cats (wildlife is also an issue as I have racoons, skunks, water birds...
  8. S

    My 1 year old puppy ate an ear plug! He’s 8 pounds

    Hey all! Coming for some advice on this, our pup managed to get a hold of a used ear plug for sleep recently. We didn’t notice until two hours had passed when there was only one bud left on the table. Context- he tries to eat EVERYTHING! So i’m certain he did in fact eat this as we have seen...
  9. A

    One of my dogs and I were away for a week and now that she's back home, my other dog is being aggressive towards her

    I was away for a week helping out my sister with her baby and I took one of my dogs with me. My dog, S, (4 y/o female german shepherd, spayed) and I were away for 9 days. Yesterday when we got back, my other german shepherd, L, (2 y/o female, not spayed yet) was being extremely aggressive toward...
  10. O

    Neighborhood kids antagonizing my dog!

    On mobile so please forgive any formatting errors. I am not exactly sure where to post this either so I figured I'd start here, sorry if it's long but I feel like there is a lot of info to include. This is in Pennsylvania as well. TL;DR at bottom. I have 3 dogs, a Rhodesian Ridgeback (8F) we...
  11. A

    My dogs won't stop pottying on the floor!

    So, I know this is our fault. Our dogs are not super well trained. To be fair, they haven't had to be before this. Things have been fine up until now. My roommate and I have five dogs between us plus one foster dog. The foster dog and my older dog are not the problem. They are very good at...
  12. O

    Husband wants dogo argentino

    My husband and I both are in the military, he works 12 hour shifts where I have a more conventional M-F schedule. We have a 1.5 year old Pyrenees lab female that is pretty good with dogs generally. My husband is dead set on getting a dogo argentino, though I am very against it as I understand it...
  13. T

    Getting a puppy

    So I already have an eight-year-old (F) GSD and I’m looking to get another German Shepherd puppy. My current dog (Leia) is great with people, but hasn’t spent a lot of time around other dogs since our rat terrier passed away a couple years ago. Does it matter if I get a male or a female puppy...
  14. M

    My dog bit my 7 year old sister

    I can’t find anything about this online, it’s all “what if my dog bites another kid” or “what if another dog bit my kid”. So here’s the situation, my 7 year old sister was bit around the eye by my dog Luna, a golden doodle. She was biting a toy, and my sister got to close to her face. Luna...
  15. J

    What to do about my dog mass on spleen?

    Hey all so my dog of 8.5 years got an X ray the other day and saw a mass on his spleen. Did an ultrasound today confirmed a mass in his spleen, unsure of if cancer or not surgery would be required to determine. But that will run $8,000 which I’m not sure I can afford or want to. I know the tumor...
  16. T

    My 1 year 3 month old GSD x Malinios suddenly in pain when getting up/laying down

    I took my poor boy to the vets earlier as he wasn't himself at all;he follows me EVERYWHERE yet today he wouldn't get on the bed to say good morning, nor would he follow me around the house or check to see when I would prepare his food. Partner and I were really worried, especially due to the...
  17. S

    Dog food for dog with sensitive stomach and perhaps a chicken allergy?

    My 2 year old dog riley has had stomach issues since i got her. at first we thought it was because she was still being given puppy food. But when we changed her over to adult food, she had a hard time going potty beyond the normal sniffing for 10 minutes and getting distracted a lot as most...
  18. R

    Can’t get my puppy to eat for the life of me

    Yuki is just over 4 months old now. Vaccinater and on tick prevention as well as dewormer. I’ve always had issues with his eating. His very very very picky(I’m not exaggerating by the number of very I put in my sentence). I switched his kibble to Royal Canin GSD puppy formula because he always...
  19. L

    Behavioral change in 4 y.o. Dog

    My moms precious little girl has been acting out lately. She’s about 4 years old, and been in the home for a little over 3 years after being rescued. In the last month, she’s started nipping at us for seemingly no reason, which has never been the case before. She doesn’t seem to be as playful as...
  20. S

    Dog vomiting and lethargic but no diarrhea

    Last Friday 12/29 around 6:30am my 9 year old Lab mix threw up her dinner from the night before. She was also lethargic. She continued to throw up more that morning, her entire breakfast plus 5-6 spots of white mucus. No diarrhea, stool was normal. After seeing on the camera she was still...