
  1. J

    New dog going berserk after two weeks??

    My husband and I rescued a golden Labrador mix about two to three weeks ago and up until now he has been an angel. Potty trained as soon as we brought him home, does not pull leash , and slept and cuddled most of the day. Now everything has taken a complete 180. First some background info...
  2. S

    Our 4 y/o beagle just snapped at my wife's face. We discovered there was a bone hidden under my wife's pillow. Should I be concerned?

    We adopted from a shelter over a month ago a 4 year old beagle and her temper has been overall really great. We've noticed she likes to hide her bone in our house so we didn't know that she hid her bone under our pillows until today when my wife was laying down and our beagle was laying next to...
  3. C

    Dog poop

    Hi there I rescued a 3 year old wiemarana who we believe is crossed with a lab he’s a gentle giant obviously given his size he poos like a hell of a lot. but my problem is he was pooing on a night in the living room so we decided to close the door and not let him in when we are not there he...
  4. M

    My dog is becoming overly needy and nasty with me

    Hi all, looking for some advice. I have a 1.5 year old Lab Mix (he’s 100lbs) and I love him to death. I have had him since he was a puppy and he’s always been a high strung, high energy dog. I am a single dog dad, and have an active lifestyle and live in Colorado. Just recently, we moved out of...
  5. J

    Has anyone used Respo-K?

    Can you share any pros/cons about it and why you started using it?
  6. F

    Dog suddenly lame

    In about a span of 5 minutes, my year and a half old clumber pup has lost the ability to move his front leg. One minute he’s wandering around the room and the next he’s whimpering on the floor and can’t get up. This was a complete 0-100 turn for him and it’s too late at night to bring him into...
  7. F

    Need to get reactive dog to the vet urgently

    Posted in another dog subreddit but thought it worth trying here as well. I have a small (18 lbs) senior dog who is fear-reactive, historically to certain types of touch/handling and with predictable triggers. Last week he pretty abruptly escalated to a very scary and unpredictable level of...
  8. F

    Need advice on taking care of my paralyzed pug

    Hello all, I know that I can google this or speak with my vet, but I just wanted some advice from anyone who may have firsthand experience with taking care of a paralyzed dog. My pug, Burke, is 14 years old and about 2 weeks ago he fell off of a platform outside of our apartment. I feel...
  9. J

    One dog suddenly obsessively licking the other

    I’ve had my boys for over a decade and they’ve never done this so I’m kinda worried. In fact, I’m borderline concerned because they’re not super close- they actually barely tolerate each other lol. Anyway, my smallest (Z) recently had a skin infection from fleas and untreated allergies. He...
  10. S

    6 Lbs Chihuahua ate half a reece’s thin

    Just wondering what the side affects would be should I be very concerned? I wasn’t looking and she snuck the half i’d bitten.
  11. I

    How do you prepare a dog for a major operation if you can’t explain what’s going to happen & why? 💔

    Edit: Most comments are full of kindness & I’m incredibly grateful for that. I’ve been given some fantastic advice & I appreciate everyone sharing success stories — our biggest fear is that she won’t recover so hearing about other dogs who have, really helps. Those of you who have been a little...
  12. R

    Chihuahua help…

    Help! Chihuahua 15 y/o experiencing symptoms of incontinence, lack of appetite, labored breathing, difficulty getting comfortable/laying down, slow walking, hardly going up stairs. Slowly started about 5 days ago. We took him to the vet for blood work, X-rays (thinking pneumonia), checked his...
  13. P

    Is my puppy going to be traumatised from a bad interaction?

    My puppy is 12 weeks old, the other day I took him round to my mums house to meet her dog. I knew that my mums dog was a little bit protective of his toys I.e. moves them when people come near but I’d never seen any aggression before. When my puppy arrived my mum’s dog was growling so much and...
  14. B

    German shepherd and toddlers

    So we adopted a sweet German Shepherd from our local animal shelter. She’s 5 and beautifully obedient. She’s very sweet, she doesn’t bark, she doesn’t react to other dogs however she’s not friendly towards our outdoor cat and has an issue with our toddlers. We have 4 boys ages 7,3,2 and 5...
  15. P

    Seeking Advice - Cat fixation and pulling on leash

    Hi /r/germanshepherds I've been around here for a few weeks now, and have paid the puppy tax a few times with our girl Raksha (and will again in a comment below). I'd like to ask these questions here as r/puppy101 is kind of a shit-show and most of the problems people are having there we...
  16. F

    How can I keep my dog still after surgery? They said she couldn’t walk for two weeks but she’s walking 7 hours after and I can’t keep her still

    My dog got a growth removed from her leg this morning, they said she shouldn’t be walking for about a week but I can’t keep her from waddling out of her bed. Can someone please tell what to do to make her rest? It wasn’t a major surgery, she got sedated but the surgery was maybe 30 minutes and...
  17. K

    First time dog guardian - he is getting neutered on Thursday. Please give me your tips. I think I have it all down but I am a tad anxious

    Advice I think I am pretty clear on most of this but there are some variations so your insight is appreciated! This is the kind of stuff my vet answers vaguely when I ask and maybe it is a case-by-case basis? 1) I need to make sure he limits all activity (no jumping, stairs, or hopping up on...
  18. S

    Dog introductions

    I have 8 year old male Mcnabb collie mix who is typically very mellow mannered and shy but is very sweet once he warms up with people and sometimes dogs. My younger dog who was a female recently passed away at the age of 6 due to complications with epilepsy and they were the best of friends...
  19. M

    dog nasal discharge advice

    dog nasal discharge My dog has had unilateral nasal boogers/nuggets since January (about 2 mos now). They have not gotten better or worse. Head x-ray was negative, along with nasal swabs. The boogers are only noticeable if you look up her nose, nothing ever drips out. It’s more of a collection...
  20. M

    Agreed to sit an „easy dog“. He’s not easy. What’s the best solution?

    (English is not my native language. Also sorry for the length of the text, I’m a little emotional right now.) Last week a colleague (G) messaged me out of the blue asking me if I could sit his dog for three weeks. I was surprised but because I’m working from home this month I said I‘m open to...