
  1. T

    How to stop my dog from fighting her pup over food?

    I have a vizsla, H, who had 7 pups and only one, let's call her pup T, is left to stay with us. T is a female pup and now 7 months old. Both mother and daughter share one big crate with plenty of space. They're both used to eating and sleeping inside the crate and then playing outside. But...
  2. J

    Dogs Fighting

    So I have two 4 year old female dogs one is mostly pitbull the other is partially pitbull and recently one (B) has been getting aggressive with the other one (M). It started about 4-5 weeks ago where B would attack M randomly in the house when she’d go upstairs and now she does it any chance she...
  3. R

    How to deal with grief after losing your baby

    We recently lost our sweet baby Belle after 9 years to cancer. She had a tumor on her heart rupture and died in my arms. She suddenly collapsed and stopped breathing and we did cpr, she came back and rushed her to the vet where she passed within minutes. Doctor said there was nothing we could...
  4. S

    Getting a puppy soon what should I do to prepare?

    Iv been looking for a puppy for a long time and now I finally am finally set and have a big backyard for a dog. Unfortunately the puppy’s I’m looking at were just born less then 2 weeks ago (mom had 9 I have not seen them yet but it’s a friend so I’ll pick once they r ready to go home with me...
  5. W

    Dog trainer help!?

    I’m looking for a dog trainer who also specializes in service dog training, and I found one 40 minutes away from me. I’m a bit skeptical because I’m not entirely sure if they actually TRAIN the dogs to behave on leash. I noticed that in the photos most of the dogs had tools. So I asked the...
  6. L

    2 y.o. Dog with Luxating Patella - surgery alternatives? (Food, supplements, etc.)

    Hi! I have a 2 yr old female pup - she’s supposedly an Australian shepherd/blue heeler mix, but she’s only 25 lbs and doesn’t really resemble either breed visually. She’s extremely active - her biggest joy in life is running and jumping as high as she can to catch her frisbee. A few months...
  7. B

    Abdominal Fluid

    Hi all! My 1 y/o boxer was spayed yesterday. The vet mentioned that he saw a small amount of fluid in her belly. Since I brought her home at 6 months old, she’s struggled with gaining weight (she’s very skinny), diarrhea, a UTI, and overall low energy. She had some blood tests done a couple...
  8. L

    Help! I’m at a loss!

    Okay so my gf and I moved in together last January. We both had one dog. Hers: an Aussie F age 4. Mine: Pit F age 4. The transition was not easy for the both of them as her dog had been used to it being just them and mine was used to a literal forest to roam. Over time our Aussie has done well...
  9. D

    Need some advice on tick removal and repellent

    I have been taking care of 2 stray dogs and one of them has 2 lil puppies(4 dogs in total) , today found out that the mom and her kids has a huge tick problem.I pulled out some of them but some ticks are ether too small to grab or they are like 1/2 inside the skin and I am afraid that pulling...
  10. C

    Newbie rescuer

    Hi I’ve recently rescued a dog. He is supposed to be a Weimaraner but I think he is crossed with a lab tbh. anyways considering what he’s been through he’s a lovely dog. He’s 3 years old and hasn’t been neutered he’s a very large dog but the problem I have with him is every night he’s pooing...
  11. H

    Need advice for a puller. Mixed breed. Female. 13months old. 19kg. Rescued her 9 months ago

    She does NOT listen to me outside on a walk when people, bikes, kids or/and dogs are around, and there's usually a few around at all times during the day. I have tried to lure her back to a heel, but she doesn't care, even if I had a whole cooked chicken breast with me, she gets quite nervous...
  12. P

    Help with Puppy

    Hi! My family and I have a GSD pup that is 9 months old. For the most part, she is well behaved. But the one issue that we have been having with her is. the. Constant. Pacing. She used to have no problem settling down. She would go to daycare and be worn out for a couple of days afterwards...
  13. A

    7 month old puppy scratching his ears since day 1. Any advise?

    I have a toy poodle who is 7 months old. He has been scratching himself since he came to our home for the first time. He has dry skin as well but there is no redness or any abrasions where he itches. The vet eliminated any dermatitis or fleas etc. We bathe him every 3 weeks and he has no ticks...
  14. J

    New dog going berserk after two weeks??

    My husband and I rescued a golden Labrador mix about two to three weeks ago and up until now he has been an angel. Potty trained as soon as we brought him home, does not pull leash , and slept and cuddled most of the day. Now everything has taken a complete 180. First some background info...
  15. S

    Our 4 y/o beagle just snapped at my wife's face. We discovered there was a bone hidden under my wife's pillow. Should I be concerned?

    We adopted from a shelter over a month ago a 4 year old beagle and her temper has been overall really great. We've noticed she likes to hide her bone in our house so we didn't know that she hid her bone under our pillows until today when my wife was laying down and our beagle was laying next to...
  16. C

    Dog poop

    Hi there I rescued a 3 year old wiemarana who we believe is crossed with a lab he’s a gentle giant obviously given his size he poos like a hell of a lot. but my problem is he was pooing on a night in the living room so we decided to close the door and not let him in when we are not there he...
  17. M

    My dog is becoming overly needy and nasty with me

    Hi all, looking for some advice. I have a 1.5 year old Lab Mix (he’s 100lbs) and I love him to death. I have had him since he was a puppy and he’s always been a high strung, high energy dog. I am a single dog dad, and have an active lifestyle and live in Colorado. Just recently, we moved out of...
  18. J

    Has anyone used Respo-K?

    Can you share any pros/cons about it and why you started using it?
  19. F

    Dog suddenly lame

    In about a span of 5 minutes, my year and a half old clumber pup has lost the ability to move his front leg. One minute he’s wandering around the room and the next he’s whimpering on the floor and can’t get up. This was a complete 0-100 turn for him and it’s too late at night to bring him into...
  20. F

    Need to get reactive dog to the vet urgently

    Posted in another dog subreddit but thought it worth trying here as well. I have a small (18 lbs) senior dog who is fear-reactive, historically to certain types of touch/handling and with predictable triggers. Last week he pretty abruptly escalated to a very scary and unpredictable level of...