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  1. E

    I’m sick with the flu and my dogs found bear DIARRHEA and rolled in it 🤢. How’s y’all’s morning going?

    @cockerspaniel I just keep muttering to myself about how much I love them to remind myself in these moments lmao. They were SO proud of their… “perfume” too
  2. E

    I’m sick with the flu and my dogs found bear DIARRHEA and rolled in it 🤢. How’s y’all’s morning going?

    🤦🏼‍♀️ I swear. I swear y’all. I love my two dopes to death but oh my god. I think my main saving grace here is that my nose is stopped up so I can’t really smell it. What a way to start the morning. Edit: All your stories are killing me, the things we do for our dogs! Thanks for all the well...
  3. E

    [RIP] Blitz, Belgium Malinois, 9

    @marktina9767 I am so sorry for your loss. Give him love for me. I have a 14 year old Belgian and she is my baby. She’s sprawled out on the couch right now snoozing. I hope his last day is fantastic.