I’m sick with the flu and my dogs found bear DIARRHEA and rolled in it 🤢. How’s y’all’s morning going?


New member
🤦🏼‍♀️ I swear. I swear y’all. I love my two dopes to death but oh my god.

I think my main saving grace here is that my nose is stopped up so I can’t really smell it. What a way to start the morning.

Edit: All your stories are killing me, the things we do for our dogs! Thanks for all the well wishes xx
@eloise Homeless people crap all over Central Park. One time my dog found a legit puddle of human diarrhea. She was going IN. I pulled her by the collar, her ears whip the diarrhea all over me. That was a fun 20 min walk home, me, and my poodle, covered in homeless human diarrhea. :))))
@bkenyo She got into some the other night. Puked it out on my shag rug 30 min after we got home. The smell was effing disgusting I just…I can’t. She doesn’t do this with dog crap tho lol. I know like all the spots the homeless ppl stay now
@reb29 I am so damn sorry and trying so hard not to laugh at your predicament. May be failing miserably.

If i may suggest a dog crate or the bathroom for an hour after a walk.
@eloise Somewhat similar. I woke up to my dog having explosive diarrhea when he was in his crate, covering his bed, and some shooting through the wires to outside the crate on the carpet and wall. Took multiple potty walks with him outside, a dog bath and over an hour of trying to stop my gag reflex while cleaning up - all before I even had my morning coffee. It was a literal and figurative shit show.
@hireng I had a day like that except she was out in the living room and I was at work. There had been road work outside while I was gone and it scared her. Opened every window and just dragged the rug outside to be rained on. I have never smelled something as bad before or since.