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  1. L

    Severe matting

    @flynn If you are set on brushing her out, get some cornstarch from the grocery store. It is extremely inexpensive. Then sprinkle it on your dog's fur and rub it into the mats really well. Let it sit for a few minutes then try brushing. It might be good to set your dog on a towel so the...
  2. L

    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @salvia123 Ignorant, lying breeders is how doodle owners can't grasp the work involved in owning a doodle.
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    Rant: doodles are making me want to quit dog grooming

    @otfl4jah Those sound like (low) shave down prices. Brushing/ deshed prices double that. Demat price double plus $50 per hour of dematting. Then you don't have to do so many to make your income goals. Seriously unless you're in BFE, your prices are too low. Frustrating when your boss doesn't...
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    Client returned 5 minutes after checkout…

    @caferobusta Quite a roller coaster but a happy ending!