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    I cannot believe the condition she was in

    @gary987 These “guardian home” breeding programs are only done by puppy mills and awful backyard breeders. No ethical breeder would do it because maternal stress—like being ripped from your home and used as a brood mare—has such a negative impact on the puppies.
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    I cannot believe the condition she was in

    @thankfullness …it’s a doodle, what do you expect?
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    My puppy peed 11 times in 4 hours in sitter’s apartment

    @wyattwrd This is a reflection of a sitter not knowing the signs of a puppy needing to pee, and no failure on the part of your dog. Dogs aren’t great generalizers! They don’t necessarily know not peeing in one house means not peeing in any house. Why did this sitter not catch onto the signs the...
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    Post your little wins this week

    @mkb Puppy got spayed this week, so can’t go on her long off leash walks. We’ve been doing on leash, slow walking and she’s improving by leaps and bounds! (With a minimum of leaps and bounds)
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    Do your breeding females eventually get cancer?

    @sqs1 I’m not a breeder, but the general issue is an unspayed female that never gets pregnant is at increased risk of cancers. Its ’use it or lose it’, and the risk of pyometra in an unspayed unbred dog is unnecessary.
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    I’m positive my puppy’s in a better place in my home, but I still can’t do enough on my own for him

    @nekiness Dogs are high-needs animals and, yeah, you’re not currently meeting his needs.
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    Shaky, loud blades after sharpening

    @lyssarae83 Yes, having a dog is fun. Having a young puppy is… not great🫠 they take up less raw time and attention eventually
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    Shaky, loud blades after sharpening

    @lyssarae83 I bought some good clippers used and watched some YouTube videos🫣 and since I do it at home I do, like, one foot or half her face or whatever per day. I’ve never done the whole dog at once, I don’t have the stamina to wash, dry and then shave. Get you Deb Jones book “cooperative...
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    What to do if I feel like I don’t like my puppy?

    @elinell Yeah, the last two weeks have been hard! You probably have a few more hard weeks to go. Not like these weeks, different hard. Then, different again. The love follows the care.
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    Shaky, loud blades after sharpening

    @josephjnapoleon Yes, a lot, in an attempt to work the grey oil out
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    Shaky, loud blades after sharpening

    I was a responsible home groomer and took my shears and most-used blades(two #10s, one #15) to get sharpened. Upon their return, they’re now quite loud and shaky and producing dirty oil and getting hot quickly—this is not the case for my ceramic #7 which wasn’t sharpened and still runs quietly...
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    15 months old and still biting - do I have a monster on my hands?

    @namakula Holy cow, all three of these sound dreadful. No wonder they didn’t help!
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    15 months old and still biting - do I have a monster on my hands?

    @namakula Wait.. 4 months old? That’s very much within the range of normal. Yeah, you just gotta ride it out. Make sure the puppy is getting two hours of rest after one active hour. If he goes wild and bitey he needs a nap. Their teeth are hurting all the time and their bodies are growing like...
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    15 months old and still biting - do I have a monster on my hands?

    @namakula That sounds very challenging, and it must be frustrating to have a pro suggest the only solution is shocking the dog. I hope you find the direction and motivation you’re looking for, you and the dog deserve it. That trainer I mentioned talked a lot about being over threshold—that...
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    Chris Christensen Big G v Big K?

    @kotizer There are fewer pins in the big K, that’s the only difference.
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    15 months old and still biting - do I have a monster on my hands?

    @namakula Sounds like you’re at the point of hiring a trainer—ours was fully online, she’s never been in the room with our dog, and 4 lessons fixed my issue (and more!) for $80.
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    15 months old and still biting - do I have a monster on my hands?

    @muted Yeeeeep, I hear you. My dog is very good, but we ended up hiring a trainer online ( to help us deal with some cat biting and chasing, as well as mouthing. Essentially we needed to up her playtime, but also enforce just a 30 second time out on her mat when she puts her teeth...
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    I think we made a mistake

    @kaybird And the dog is a mastIFF MIX
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    I think we made a mistake

    @sharkdive1 Dear god, an 8 week old? Gurl don’t feel bad, return this pup, it’s too much!
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    I think we made a mistake

    @sharkdive1 Save the stuff, I bet you’ll be ready in a couple years, or at least you’ll know whether you have capacity for three kids plus dog. It’s heart wrenching, but the sooner you do it the less disruptive it will be for everyone.