Chris Christensen Big G v Big K?


New member
What’s the difference?

I currently own the CC Big G slicker, but unsure of what the big K does that the G doesn’t.
@kotizer The big k has less pins and is recommended for double or thick coats. I also usually prefer this one for detangling as well, because it doesn't snag the hair as much. I've noticed that sometimes the big g catches on the hair so I mostly use it for fluffing or a non tangled coat. Sometimes it works better for detangling wavy or curly hair that isn't very thick, so it really depends on the individual dog and what you need the brush for
@kotizer I like pink for fluffy drying dog but prefer the black for brushing out dogs. Black has less pins so I find it breaks less coat then the pink when detangling. I own two of each though but if I had none and could only buy one I'd go for the big k aka the black one.
@kotizer I use the big K and it's the best brush out there for dematting and desheds imo. The pins are still gentle enough for sensitive skin. I prefer a soft flex brush for fluff drying as the air doesn't catch the brush as much, where the CC brushes will get pushed into the skin by the air from a stand dryer causing more irritation.

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