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  1. B

    Torn on BE for my reactive puppy

    @readyforwhatcomes I also live on a farm and second this. The people going to crazy lengths like buying prosthetic legs for their injured livestock are hobby farmers, someone who raises livestock for a living would know that the animal will have no quality of life and euthanasia is the best...
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    First time adopting from a rescue, and she’s really reactive

    @christianguy00910 A reactive dog in an apartment can be a nightmare for everyone including the dog, the owner, and the neighbors who no longer feel safe walking outside their doors. This dog not only bit someone, she sent someone to the hospital. In an apartment she would be a significant...
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    Dogs not getting along

    @ashellie Given your dog's age I suspect she is growing out of her puppy temperament and developing more mature thoughts and opinions about things like sharing toys and space with the visiting dog. Likely both dogs need more structure around the house so they aren't left to make their own...
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    My boyfriend’s dog bit me

    @basefan A large dog bred to look scary, that does scary things, and is triggered to bite by people showing fear, is a dog that is not safe to exist in the world. This is a very dangerous dog. This is a domestic violence situation.
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    What actually happened when you tried balanced training?

    @marinde She was as friendly or more friendly with dogs once she learned to keep herself under control around them. I never had any of the fallout people warn you about. She was calmer and more confident and our lives were infinitely better. We could go places and do things I had avoided...
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    What actually happened when you tried balanced training?

    @lilith_eve This sub doesn't allow good experiences to be shared about balanced training, so I expect my comment here to be deleted, but I'll share anyway: I found that skilled balanced training gave me results much faster and much more reliably than only R+. With my first reactive dog, we did...
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    People have zero survival instinct and it’s hurting my dog

    @knittedspoons I never truly appreciated how oblivious people are until I was at a nice big open park with my dog and he pooped. Asked my dog to sit and stay, got a bag, and as I was reaching down to pick it up, someone stepped in it. My bagged hand was inches away. It was not a crowded park...
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    *trigger warning* considering BE

    @gilcimarlp I am absolutely shocked that you have tolerated so many level 4 bites and continue to live with this dog. The best time for BE is before the life changing bite. You or your husband are likely to be the target of that bite. If you care about each other, you will give this dog a...