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    Where are my shelter puppies at?

    @amn Hilariously, I did not want a cattle dog because it didn't fit my lifestyle/personality and my GSD-mix from a breed specific rescue ended up having just enough cattle dog in him to have a lot of their more obnoxious traits (I now see cattle dogs and love them cos they look like my boy...
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    My dog drinks excessive amounts of water and then proceeds to relieve herself constantly. How do I get her to learn self control?

    @cindy8375 It doubtfully has anything to do with her breed. UTI is fairly likely and common at that age depending on circumstance. Please get her into the vet as soon as you can.
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    he antagonized and then called her dangerous

    @mcpugh I've heard this a lot from other women and femme presenting people. I haven't had too much trouble, but my dog is also huge and intimidating if you don't know him so I feel like that gets people to give me a wide berth.
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    Daycare owner implied that I’m mistreating my puppy

    @krist123 Strangers used to try to give my puppy commands and would be sorta judgemental when he didn't do them, but I was like I want him to sit when I say sit, not when some random does. So whatever.
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    Vets should offer a dog acclimatization program for fearful dogs

    @katty3333i If you talk to your vet you can probably get "happy visits" which aren't at cost. (Although I did bring the office cookies.) Where they can walk them around the back and then slowly work them up.
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    Daycare owner implied that I’m mistreating my puppy

    @mugen I would honestly switch based on his point about being 'concerned' that the pup shies away when you tried to touch and pet him. Some dogs don't like being touched or pet by strangers or anyone. And that's okay. You should probably go to a daycare that respects when you're puppy is in the...
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    my puppy is a h o r n y boy

    @barnabas17 Totally normal, playful behavior and can happen with either gender pup. I would distract him to get him to do something else/treat it like jumping up on you or other behavior you just gotta work with him on. Also lmao I thought the balls hadn't dropped on my boy but it turns out...
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    Where are my shelter puppies at?

    @donut Yeah mine is food motivated except when I actually want him to do something. He's fun.
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    Where are my shelter puppies at?

    @donut loyal and eager to please like a shepherd God I wish mine was like that lmao. He'd trade me for a paperbag of chicken any day of the week. But yeah his siblings all seem to have personality differences. I think genetics and understanding breed definitely helps but it's not everything...
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    Breed Popularity

    @jenfer USA (west coast) - Pitbulls, Labs, Chihuahuas, Doxies Now that you mention it, I haven't seen a lot of spaniels here.
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    Teething puppy help.. please

    @jesusrwaldron He's probably not actually teething yet, but just being super mouthy. GSDs are prone to that. I tried a ton of chews and the benebone that I can't find anywhere was a popular non-edible one. He's enjoyed bully sticks (although I'm still seeing if they are going to eventually agree...