my puppy is a h o r n y boy

@barnabas17 Totally normal, playful behavior and can happen with either gender pup. I would distract him to get him to do something else/treat it like jumping up on you or other behavior you just gotta work with him on.

Also lmao I thought the balls hadn't dropped on my boy but it turns out they were just covered with fur.
@barnabas17 It's definitely not sexual in nature at 11 weeks old and instead is an indication your pup is over stimulated. If you and your pup get in the habit of allowing over-stimulation, it can lead to further behavioural problems later. Impulse control and focus/calming/centering exercises, as well as more rest time, are what I recommend!
@barnabas17 Oh no! My 5 months old puppy does the same! He always humped his stuffed bear (since he was 9 weeks old) and I never stopped him. Now he tries to hump every other dogs he meets that's not super aggressive. Is it too late to try to get him to stop? He's getting snipped next month. Or did I ruin him for life?
@barnabas17 Our 12 week old humps our legs if we are sitting in a chair with our legs straight out cross over lol. Other wise he doesn’t, although he did stress hump my back once after having a scary encounter with a bigger dog. It’s weird cause he’s so small lol
@barnabas17 I'm honestly surprised that our boy hasn't tried to mate with the girls yet. His balls are DEFINITELY dropped and he's roughly 7 months lol. I don't want to neuter him until at least a year though...
@barnabas17 This has absolutely nothing to do with your puppy being horny. When a dog's excitement level reaches its limits they choose a random behavior to release some of that excitement. For some pups that is biting for others it is zoomies, humping, barking, hiding....Your pup needs to learn calmness and thinking in arousal to be able to choose a more appropriate behavior in these situations.

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