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    BAT 2.0 for Friendly Frustration?

    @jordan12 I personally did not find BAT 2.0 to be very effective for my frustrated/excited greeter. I ended up doing the protocol anyway, for general practice, but ultimately, PREMACK was more effective for us than BAT, or any other protocol rooted in a methodology that is for fear based...
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    Need help with training morals, my head hurts lol

    @thehallelujahhollerer My point was, training DOESN'T happen in isolation. It's literally not possible, environmental factors impact your training. When John brings his reactive dog to class, and his dog is freaked out, it's an aversive that directly impacts his training. John directly brought...
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    Has anyone else noticed this?

    @ked91 Um, it's a trend in humans who make cliques. Trust me, as someone who genuinely hangs out in the middle, the FF and 'balanced' groups both sling mud equally. There isn't a day that goes by that both groups don't come across my various social feeds starting something. I've heavily...
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    Need help with training morals, my head hurts lol

    @thehallelujahhollerer Um, there's not though. If her dog is existing, by definition she is facing aversive events. Perhaps not direct by her owner, but life in general comes with aversive events.
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    Brainstorming Ideas for Low Stamina/High Energy Dog

    @fredothegreat Nosework. Don't need a lot of space, and once your dog understands the game, and you understand how odor moves, you can scale difficulty pretty easily.
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    Need help with training morals, my head hurts lol

    @nc17 Respectfully, this is one person's view on on R+. There is no 'official' methodology. For instance, in my R+ classes, we would use PREMACK to address jumping on people, and/or redirection. You can't sweep the entire methodology into a category based on one trainer. There is no such...
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    Need help with our dog on walks (x-post r/dogtraining)

    @mollym029 That's the value of PREMACK work at place. The trip into the dog park is valuable enough to make the behavior pay well ... so you may also want to do more PREMACK style work, or consider whether your reward schedule (both frequency and type) are valuable enough for the training...
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    E-collar 7 months? Am I ready/Is she ready? + Heat Cycle

    @xyz2412 Yeah, probably the most important thing. I've basically heard that a 5 doesn't seem to be a 5 consistently. So it's a cluster to train with. They may have made improvements since then, but it's hard pass from me. I use a mini-educator.
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    E-collar 7 months? Am I ready/Is she ready? + Heat Cycle

    @xyz2412 I personally wouldn't introduce an ecollar during a heat. Pretty much all the bitches I know go weird in their heat cycle. My own ranges from "bitch, I'll cut you" to "please love me, I'm so pitiful". I still train during a heat cycle, but I err far more heavily on the 'keep it...
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    Advice/ Experience from Allergy Prone Dog Owners- How can I help manage my 2.5 y/o GR’s environmental allergies?

    @daddysgyrl Have you considered medicating - aquapol or cynopoint?
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @nicolas19 I think you need to define what you want ... a formal heel where he looks at you, or a LLW where the point is really just not to be an asshole and not pull. My formal heel = heads up, pure focus, snapped to my thigh, etc. I only use this for competitions. My LLW = don't be a dick...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @nicolas19 Your videos look great, some dogs are just slower at LLW'ing than others, I think you're on the right road here! I will say that environmental rewards SHOULD break position. :) That's the point of them, remember, rewards don't always need to be in position as long as the marker is...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @nicolas19 My personal observations: I'm not hearing any marking of behaviors (could just be the video didn't pick it up). Use your voice! Use a clicker, whatever, but there should be a solid verbal or non-verbal cue that the dog has performed the behavior, THEN the treat comes out. Going by...
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    Loose Leash Walking : How do I make him get it ?

    @nicolas19 Do you reward the correct position, in position?
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    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @eront Hhm, I'm honestly not sure. I think ultimately the way I introduce the collar itself, may have prevented collar-wise behaviors. Like, at some point it's hard to fade a long line - you can go to lighter weights, but the dog is still going to notice that weight - I think if that line had...
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    [NEWS] [RESEARCH] Predicting Guide Dogs

    TITLE: An evidence-based decision assistance model for predicting training outcome in juvenile guide dogs ABSTRACT: CITATION: Harvey, N. D., Craigon, P. J., Blythe, S. A., England, G. C., & Asher, L. (2017). An evidence-based decision assistance model for predicting training outcome in...
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    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast For recall, it was well over a year, and for reactivity, it was probably closer to two years. Reactivity became less of an issue for us once we moved out of an apartment, so it dropped down my priority list. I worked the recall pretty consistently though, and just ended up...
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    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @imagebeastmarkbeast Usually depends on the dog. For example, I PREMACK'd and did a form of LAT for my frustrated greeter, and we just hit a point where it didn't appear to be progressing for her. I did literally 18+ months of work, and in the end, made the choice of layering an aversive over...
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    7-month-old dog continues to jump and gnaw on people as a form of greeting

    @operagirl84 So, part one of this is, you've had her for two month. This is an insignificant amount of time for training, particularly if the dog has had reinforcement for these behaviors in the past. Things I would work on: PREMACK for Greetings. Impulse control games: 1, 2 and 3. Really real...
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    How do you build respect with you dog?

    @naturex Honestly, every instance of positive reinforcement not working that I've seen has been a failure in mechanics - it's fading reinforcement too early, it's not respecting the 3Ds, it's reward placement, it's not respecting what the dog finds reinforcing, it's moving too fast, etc. I'm...