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    My wife and I are getting a puppy this summer. Come, bring me your wisdom

    @leahleigh Adopt or shop ethically* No backyard breeders!
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    Fading puppy syndrome?

    @blackgold00 People that breed poodle mixes are backyard breeders. I have not heard of a single "doodle" breeder that does the proper health testing required or titles their dogs. Ethical poodle breeders also don't give dog to backyard breeders. This means that the initial breeding stock of...
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    Mitral valve disease in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

    @marriage007 The issue with this logic is that any breeders which produce structurally and genetically sound dogs are not going to be giving puppies to people who intend to breed them to other breeds. This is one of the main issues with "doodles". The original breeding stock is extremely low...
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    Do your breeding females eventually get cancer?

    @bailey2017 I've never heard anyone say that? It's always a lifetime risk. From what I know it's around 10% with first heat and 25% with second or third heat depending on the source
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    Do your breeding females eventually get cancer?

    @bailey2017 Your line about how puppy mills would be run out of business if cancer rates were 85% is simply not true. It's a lifetime risk, not immediate risk, so even if the risk was 100% chance of cancer, the cancer occurs later in life, past the age when breeding occurs. This is why we still...
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    Just discovered Australian retrievers, but can’t find much in my area

    @imagebeastmarkbeast I mean, they just combined the 2 names lol
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    Just discovered Australian retrievers, but can’t find much in my area

    @sspx_teen 1.) You didn't say where your area is. 2.) Australian retriever isn't a breed, it's a cross between two breeds making it a mutt. 99% of people breeding these dogs will be backyard breeders or puppy mills. What makes you want this cross instead of a golden retriever or an Australian...
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    For those on a budget, what dna test do y’all choose?

    @marinaamz29 At least in Canada there is a way to look dogs up online based on their kennel's name. We also get a ckc registration certificate from the breeder. Can you potentially do this? You currently don't know that the parents were health tested and registered, which means as of right now...
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    For those on a budget, what dna test do y’all choose?

    @marinaamz29 Are they all registered and health tested? What did your breeders contract say about you breeding
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    For those on a budget, what dna test do y’all choose?

    @marinaamz29 Do you have parent lineages? Did you get him from an actual reputable breeder which did the proper health testing and titled their dogs? If the answer to either of these questions is no, then you can't ethically breed this dog. If you have all of that info and everything is in...
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    Breeder has committed theft?

    @chaoticbeliever Lots of ethical breeders require the pups they produce to be spayed/neutered (although it's not common to say it must be done so early). This is to prevent people from breeding their dogs unethically. Ethical breeders don't contribute to shelter populations, and they don't want...
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    Can someone just purchase two pure bred dogs (of the same breed) and mate them together and sell their puppies as pure breds for pure bred prices?

    @smalltownyouthpastor They are purebred but this would still be considered backyard breeding and is unethical (unless you're doing full health workups, genetic testing, competing with the dogs and actively working to improve the breed). It's also often in the breeder contract that you aren't...
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    How feasible is it to have a dog if you have depression?

    @seekinganswers411 I second the cat idea. On your bad days you can either cuddle with the cat or ignore it, on bad days with a dog you still have to drag yourself out of bed and go for a walk. This is especially hard if the weather is gross out (at least I feel this way personally).
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    Is it possible to briefly home dogs in UK?

    @cathya Fostering is a good idea, I don't think they should pet sit with no dog experience though
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    Training School/Business/Program Inquiry

    @luke631 I find it really helpful to have a background in psychology/neuroscience when thinking about managing/altering behaviours through training. Maybe look into courses like this as well