Zak George has started a whole series on training and dealing with a very reactive adolescent German Shepherd

@mwinga If you can suffer through it, his content and training styles are actually really great. It’s too bad about the presentation though, I wish he’d tone it down and just act more natural.
@selmareed You can be positive and still be calm though, and I’d argue that’s a better energy for reactive dogs. His brand of positivity seems a little “put on” and almost frantic, which I think could be potentially stressful for some dogs.
@telur1 I think that’s a great point to make. For high energy dogs where you want them to remain aroused and learn tricks/play frisbee, energy even can be kind of a fake it till you make it thing. But if you’re trying to bring dogs down being calmer is of course helpful, and I’m not sure that he has addressed that (haven’t watched the new series, or all of his content, but personally I have respect for him and watched quite a bit)
@telur1 Actually I’ve watched 3 of these videos thanks to this post and it’s good, he talks more naturally than videos that I’ve watched in the past and the videos are longer so the ads doesn’t bother me that much. I’m glad to see something more realistic than raising a perfect dog.
@angelic_melody987 This is great! I agree with you that he’s super annoying, but I do find his training techniques really helpful and easy to apply. I watched a lot of his vids when we got our puppy and since. I just really wish he’d tone it down a bit (a lot). Makes me feel like I’m 8 years old and watching YTV again, haha!

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