YoUr DoGs aRe OnLy NeUroTic BeCauSe YoU aRe

@mauricio512 Especially being pit bulls (I have a pittie/boxer mix and boyfriend has a pittie/cattle dog mix), you can never let them have an incident, especially with children. The sad reality is that they will be branded as vicious and dangerous by half the people you know the second anything goes awry, even if it's just growling or any other kind of warning behavior, and all that "just let them do what they want" will be "you have to put all of them down." Just ignore your dad and keep looking out for your babies.
@mauricio512 I hate it when people say that. My lab: I do a training (ie practicing all his commands) session, then he swims in his tank stock pool, chases a ball and we go on a 2 mile hike/walk. I then go for a nap with my older golden (why only does the training session and hike/walk because he’s older) I’m exhausted after that!

Hes still bouncing around and jumping on us until I force him to settle.

@stripe Oh yeah, that’s the best other one “you just need to walk your dog more. A tired dog is a good dog”

Yeah id typically agree but my dog just ran 20-30 miles. And was mid nap when i left. It turns out separation anxiety is real

At least we know that we’re not being crazy
@mauricio512 I hate dogs. And dog people are among the most fucked up people I have ever known. Dog people generally are not the cleanest people or their houses. And letting a dog or dogs d so peep on your bed shedding all that hair after shitting in the yard, sniffing the other dogs ass and then letting it lick your face. Disgusting,
@mauricio512 That statement does have element of truth in that if the dog can pick up your anxiety or fearfulness. But on the whole I really think it is a vague generalisation that really misses the point of the incredible possibilities that our doggie partners and and we can develop.
My dog is like me in that she had suffered trauma but I got her at two and her most formative years were behind her. I brought compassion, empathy, kindness and understanding to the relationship. And we have thrived.

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