You really are a d#$k head sometimes..


New member
It's morning. I wake up to let pupper out and grab a coffee. He comes upstairs for his usual Sunday morning snooze while I read the paper in bed. He starts getting mouthy, and then barky when I tell him enough. OK out you go for a time out on the landing....

Next thing I hear is him chewing the skirting board 😑

This story was brought to you by Dougal the 7 mo GSD.
@zuzurh I read this as “desk head” 😂 But I feel you, around 7 months is when mine went into his insane teenage phase. His destruction of choice is my couch cushions 😐
@zuzurh My retriever mix likes to hoard up his precious pile of toys that he doesn't actually play with and then go chew the furniture. I got him an anxiety collar and now he's un-hoarding and chewing on appropriate things!
@kelbel81 Adaptil collar? We have the diffuser and I think it is starting to make a difference in her general demeanor, was wondering about the collar.
@zuzurh Is he named for Father Dougal McGuire?
Anyway, I can empathize. My 4 mo old standard poodle has eaten the legs of our dining room table… despite all the chew toys and bully sticks we’ve bought for him.
@zuzurh I have an Australian Shepherd and a Poodle mix...I affectionately call him an Aushole...because honestly, toddlers (he's 7 months old) are complete a$$holes, and he's no different!!
@zuzurh Well who allowed you to have a coffee and bed news paper when he is 7 months old puppy. Get up and take him out on the walk :D

Ours is 10 months old and I cant wait when he is so chill in the morning that you can stay in bed a little after you let him out.

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