Wow, I have a dog!

@katewow Omg! Was JUST saying this to my boyfriend. I was like, “Dude, we have a puppy! Like, can you even believe it?” He said, “Um. We’ve only had her for 6 months, so yeah?” 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
@katewow I’ve wanted a dog for 25 years (am 25 now) and I finally got my pup in October. Life has been rough on me, lot of my own doing and just a dash of random traumatic experiences. I had been seeing a therapist when the pandemic started and she convinced my mom that the dog was the fix to all my issues. In March, a friend of my moms went in to her work and they talked and he mentioned he breeds huskies and that his dog was set to have her last litter in the fall. I was 7th on the list. This came out of nowhere. Like fate. The pandemic pushed me to 4th. I wanted a girl, Luna, only name I had after 25 years. His last litter had 2 girls, of the 3 people before me, 2 claimed girls. In August, his dog had 9 puppies. 6 girls. He sent me a picture of the litter, I fell in love with the reddish brown one. He said that both red ones were girls. I basically had my pick of the litter, thanks to the pandemic. I saved since 2013 for a dog. I still look at her on the floor and get weepy. There is a dog in the house, MY dog in the house. I don’t think that feeling is ever going away. She wakes up and we lock eyes and the little demon SMILES at me! Dogs are something else. The complete embodiment of good left in the world. And yes, she has fixed all my issues. I can make phone calls, talk to extended family, talk to random strangers on walks. I actually go outside now. The pandemic has stopped me from trying stores and restaurants, but I’m sure I’m almost back to being human. Cried it all out for the first month I had her. Never slept this good on my life. Little snuggle heater. 10/10 would recommend doggo as medication for all mental health issues.

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