Wow, I have a dog!

@katewow Wow I swear you just read my mind and posted this lol. My husband and i literally just can u believe we have a little animal in the house? Who is he? And literally right after that I looked at my phone and saw this post. I wanted a dog my whole life and whenever I look at him and I'm playing with him I'm in awe. It feels surreal I finally have a puppy!! We've had him for almost 3 months.
@katewow I get you so much. Mine is around 9 months, got her at 9 weeks and I do the same thing. Sometimes I even forget about her when I’m making plans and then realize as I’m making the plans that I need to account for her. 38 years of not have a dog, less than a year having a dog. It’s an adjustment!
@katewow I very often have a "wow, this is actually incredible!" moment when my dog has her teeth very close to my face or is biting my hand softly. Like, this is not a human, this is an animal that descends from wolves, it's a predator, it's got a killer instinct and everything and yet I'm not afraid at all.

I'm often baffled by the fact that I'm friends with a small wolf-like animal.
@katewow Every now and then I look at my boy and think the same thing. I grew up with dogs, but had been dog-less for over a decade. Not from a lack of wanting one, but the lack of being able to support one. (And my mother no longer wanting a dog.)

Somedays, I look at him and smile. Not because he did something cute or is doing much of anything really. But, just because he's here. In my home. With me. It warms my heart.

Now, please stop eating dirt.
@katewow I felt this same way this week. I walked in my room, saw her awake in her crate, and I think I was happier to see her than she was me! It’s as though sometimes, somehow I forget she lives here too lol. But whenever I miraculously remember, I feel so much joy.
@katewow With all my COVID alone time for the 9 months before I got him it's really been a different home environment. It's like a little furry alien landed in my house!
@katewow We've had our pup for just over a month. I was so excited about getting him and imagined what it would be like.
When I see him wandering around the house I'm definitely having the "omg I have a dog, I really got a puppy" moments
@katewow I had a moment like this not even an hour ago! I've always been a cat person, always had cats, I just vibe with them. Met my partner and now we have a 15wk old toy cockapoo and Im like wow I have a dog! She so chill and loving, I mean yeah she has her zoomies moments, and her and my cat chase each other around but I honestly can't see us without her at all :) she has such a nice personality and gets on so well with my autistic son, I really couldn't ask for a better puppy :')
@katewow What kind of pup is this? Looks like a bit like a wire haired pointer.

We brought a baby GSP pup home last May and I’m right there with you. Sometimes I look down like “hey wow that’s my dog! Wow!”

It’s the best!
@imagebeastmarkbeast Omg, 10 weeks, as much I love this little dude I’m so happy to be past that stage in his life hahaha but that being said enjoy the hell out of it I know I did.

So friggin cute tho, take more photos and videos than you think you’ll want, they grow up way too fast
@franciswinland He's a working type Cocker Spaniel ;) a bit taller and lankier and much less fluffy than show type ones. And has a longer snout than a Springer spaniel.
GSP's are so cute tho. Glad you enjoying it
@katewow This happens to me almost daily. I've wanted a dog forever and had never been in a position to get one. I finally made the leap in May and have watched him grow from fat little puppy into a giant happy wolf-like ball of sweetness, and I still just look at him sometimes like "wow you're my dog!"
@katewow I say this to my husband all the time, I just said it yesterday! "Holy crap, we have a dog!" Our pup turned 7 months a few days ago, and we've had him 5 months, but now that the puppy blues are mostly over, I think reality can finally set in. Your dog is adorable!
@katewow Me too! I’ve had my pup for 4 months and I look at her like “wow I can’t believe this is my dog.”

Like it’s hard to imagine what I’ve been doing my whole life without her haha

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