Would anyone be willing to critique a couple of grooms?


New member
Hello everyone!

I'm a groomer in training, and have done a few grooms so far. I'm curious if there is any feedback that you guys think could help me? Or anything you see sticking out on these that I should watch for? :)

First groom ever! Shave down with a 7FC all over.
Poodle, but owner likes a round bichon head, no clean feet or face.
Another after of the head shape:
No before picture with these ones, I forgot "/


http://imgur.com/R2OX4sS (this owner didn't want the dogs ears touched, he likes them long)

http://imgur.com/nYYIfnx (owner wanted ears left alone, and to keep his "eyebrows")

Thank you in advance everyone! I really appreciate any tips :)
@megalos Looks like you're doing great :) The shaving looks smooth and the scissoring looks pretty good too. Perfecting hand-scissoring def takes practice so it'll get easier. Like the person said before me, you could clean up the poodle's eyes more. The Maltese(?) there at the end you did good, you can see those big, expressive eyes. You always want to make sure the hair is away from their eyes no matter how long you leave the head. It all just takes practice. Keep up the good work! :)
@megalos I'm not super experienced (about 1 1/2 years worth of actually grooming) but from what I see, you're doing pretty well! If it were me grooming the "poodle-with-bichon-head", I would try to make it more rounded and maybe clean up the eyes a bit more. I'd also spend a little more time scissoring the legs and body, but not much! Good job on all these guys! :)
@peetruse Thank you! I hand scissored his legs, which I'm still getting used to doing, so I will work on being more thorough. Looking at the pictures I noticed his head looked a little oval too...ha. probably should have rounded it a bit more. Thank you!
@megalos You definitely need to work on creating a natural foot and cleaning up the face. They look good for just starting ! Even in a round Bichon face you need to be able to see the eyes so I'd say that's where you should work on. And bevel the feet a bit so there isn't such a harsh line on the foot. Comb upward and scissor slightly. On the right track though!
@mamba They did want super beveled feet, but that's the first time I've ever actually had to do it ha. And yes, definitely the face...ha. but thank you so much!
@megalos Like everyone else said ..you are on the right track ! If you can invest in a pair of thinning shears it will make the blending a lot easier also ! On the maltese especially you want to try to get all those stray hairs on underbelly to give it a more finished look. Good luck...looks like you are well on your way !
@megalos They look awesome! Only two things - for the bichon thing unless they wanted long ears I would have taken them a little higher to be in line with the bottom of the jaw. The ears should be a part of the circle. Also for your papillon thingy, when you take the blade down the neck I start almost in the face like I go with a light hand down to make that blend almost non existant. Another option is to take a guard comb up reverse, maybe a 2.

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