Working 4x10

Hello everyone, today I have a rather delicate subject to talk about, I know that people will probably throw rocks at me. I have a 10 month old Malinois x gsd I work 40 hours a week (4 x 10) during the day and my boyfriend (4 x 10) in the evening, so the dog was only alone 2-3 hours per day! My boyfriend just dumped me, so I no longer have anyone to stay at home with my dog. He has a full room to himself but he is caged for his own safety and my peace of mind. I always take him out 30-1 hour before leaving for work and when I am home in the evenings he is out of the cage and sleeps freely. So my dog will be alone 11 hours a day, 4 days a week. I already had a dog walker but the person stole money from me, so I no longer trust that and no I can't come to my house for lunch. I know it's not cool for my dog but my work allows me to offer him a house, quality food (he eats raw meat) and above all a huge piece of land with its own private woods. I love my dog more than anything in this world and when I am at home I am with him. I am a very active person so on weekends a lot of outings with him. I am also part of an agility and biting club when he is older and I also do cani cross traction sports! I am VERY invested in my dog's life outside of work but unfortunately I can't do anything other than work 4x10. I know he can hold back all this time, he's done it before, he's clean in this cage. Have you ever experienced this situation? I'm a single woman who has to meet our needs and I'm getting there but I feel like the worst shit in the world for leaving him alone for 11 hours for 4 days a week.... I can NOT give him, I could never forget him, he is all I have... I thought about getting him a dog friend but the two will be alone for 11 hours... Please give me your opinion or your ideas .
@daniellebouchie I’ve never had issues with Rover, and I’ve used 5-6 different walkers, so do your homework on a few folks in your area and get a walker for at the very minimum once, ideally twice while you’re away. Wife and I used to leave our pups (gsd and a husky) alone for about 8 hrs but always had a walker and we’d usually leave the doggy hatch open to backyard, and just leave them on the lower level of the house (in case it had been raining or snowing so they only have the lower level to mess up).
@daniellebouchie I don't understand the idea of ruling out all dog walkers because one walked (very pun intended) away with money. If a walker took away money what has OP put in place in order that it doesn't happen again and find another walker?
@padraig_leigheanach it’s an awfully long time to go without toilet, pretty much everyone would agree that’s too long. I wouldn’t paint every dog walker with the same brush, 1 bad experience is down to poor research. The app “rover” (Not sure if it’s UK only) however it has local dog walkers and displays reviews and ratings and They can possibly pop around to your house and let your pooch out the garden for toilet and keep your mind at ease. Some doggy cameras could help settle your mind with your previous bad experience with a walker?

If the app rover isn’t in your country then try find a website or app alternative!

Goodluck :)
@padraig_leigheanach Does your dog have any behaviours that indicate he/she has any problems staying home alone that long? Do you have any problems with his/her behaviour? If that's a no on both there IS no problem.

I'm in a similar situation as I'm a single dog dad. Different schedule (5x6) and some split homeoffice/on site, but the same questions arise.

As long as your dog and you are happy with your lives don't let anyone tell you your dog is better off without you! Is a dog better of in a kill shelter where it is caged 24/7, on death row and if it's lucky has maybe a volunteer take it out for a session once or twice a week? Where it (the dog) is an it, not a he/she who is loved by a family?

There are plenty dogs that have it way worse than yours. As long as you can meet his/her needs in your time together the time apart is not the discerning factor for me. My dogs mental health is though so I made sure through training and monitoring (babycam) that he is calm at home alone and does not have problems. He mostly sleeps through my workday anyways.

It will give you more insight into how your dog copes with being home alone if you can watch in on them, so if you are concerned get yourself a ring camera or a babyphone app on an old smartphone and set it up so you monitor their day. Gave me tremendous peace of mind to see my boy sleep all day and not pace our apartment...
@irishcanadian402 thank you.. I needed this so much. i think Imma be a single " mom" dog for a long time... Im watching him with a camera in his crate. ( A BIG BIG crate) and hes sleeping all day. Hes young so he still wanna eat the wall or the door, I cant afford a new home😅. I know its way better than Shelter, I feel like I dont deserve him but do we really deserve dogs?😅😅😅. I will still do my best for him, alot of training cuddles and quality foods/treats. thank you again.🌹
Whatever you decide on is going to be great.

If she decides to leave him in a crate 11 hours a day with only a 30 minute walk in the morning "it is going to be great"? Hummm, not sure about that.

I am all for good intentions but this pup needs some actual steps taken in order to live in a stable home.
@padraig_leigheanach It sounds like you love your baby with your whole heart! Totally understand your guilt. A quality dog walker will make you feel SO much better. Others have said Rover too, I have had good luck with them. Maybe inquire with some respected local trainers that specialize in shepherds/mals and see if they have trusted sitters. Best of luck, you two will settle in to your new routine in no time.
@padraig_leigheanach have you consider having a close relative or family that would be wiling to take him with them and you are the dog walker during the mornings and the weekends? It may work that you invest your free time to your pup while he also lives happily with another family while you are away. Just a thought.

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