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Hey, Reddit ! So I will be starting a new job that will be making me work in excess of 12 hours a night. I will be living about 40 minutes from the job so that’ll be an hour and 20 minute commute on top of the 12 hours I have a house trained rescue . We will be moving to a new state therefore we don’t know anyone . I know they have rover and walking apps however I read a story about someone got robbed blind . It’s still cold out (Nevada) so leaving him outside is out the question . I was thinking of buying fake grass and keep it inside while we go to work so he won’t have to hold it . Anyone have any success ? I feel so bad leaving him that long but I have no choice. Used to work 10 hours before and he held it fine but now I’ll be farther out .
@eagle777 I worked the night shift 12 hours with an hour long commute.

I did rover, I got a gal who I met with prior to the first drop in visit, and booked her for the same time each working shift. About my lunch break time, so I could easily be reached if needed. For me, that was 9:30pm. Eventually I built up trust with this girl and was able to pay her cash and go outside rover. There’s definitely opportunity for someone to take advantage of you, pay attention to the reviews & don’t go for the cheapest option with zero reviews. Invest in cameras that record. Rover walks or drop in visits are helpful because they will track the route taken for walks and time how long the visit was.

When she moved away, I started using a teenager in the neighborhood. Same thing, met up with him. Explained what I was looking for and my rate for each walk. He came earlier as he had a 10pm curfew on school nights, no biggie. Met him through a neighborhood app “next door”. Kids like simple jobs and get paid cash.

Additionally, if you’re looking for a rental friendly doggy door option check out In or Out
@chimakwa I guess that’ll be my only option . Immmoving here off a Facebook ad I found and hoping he’s isn’t scamming me . Like I’ve said before I’ve been robbed by my own family so letting someone in my home does scare me and we did have cameras
@eagle777 When you hire someone, don’t tell them you’re working a 12 hour shift and that’s why you need help. Just say you need your dog walked at this time.

When you say I won’t be home for 12+ hours that could give someone an idea to rob you because they know you won’t be home for some time Versus maybe you’re just going to be home late and don’t have a set time of coming back giving robbers less of an opportunity to stick around.
@eagle777 To be honest, it seems like you came on here not expecting that people would say it's too long. Arguing and being defensive to random people giving their opinion on a subject you asked about isn't going to solve this problem. In my opinion, I think 14 hours justifies at least one walk while you're gone. My only advice would be to hire a reputable real company; otherwise I would say doggy daycare.

Last ditch effort would be to install a doggie door like you said and let your dog free roam into the backyard. I feel like this wouldn't be too difficult to do, but if you're renting I'm not sure this is the best option. You would need to speak to your landlord.

Maybe there's a group in your area on Facebook that has a local dog walker or something that could add yours to their roster. I understand the trust issue but there's always going to he what-ifs with any situation.
@eagle777 Alone for 14 hours multiple times a week? As a female (and if I lived alone), I get not wanting a dogwalker in my home. I watched way too much true crime when I was younger (and law and order). But 14 hours is simply too long to leave your dog so you need to come up with something. There are insured legit companies in my area that offer dog walking, as opposed to hiring a rando off rover. Is that something you’d be comfortable with? I’m sure it’s possible to train a fully housebroken dog to use pee pads or fake grass or something, but tbh, that’s just gross.
@imagebeastmarkbeast While I agree with that and I too watch so many true crime documentaries. I even posted in a group on social media . Trust me I feel bad leaving my boy alone . We will have a yard but even leaving him outside I feel bad . Even with legit companies ya know ?! The fake grass thing is like legit my last option .
@eagle777 This might be an expensive route, but you’ll need to establish vet care in your new city, right? Would you be comfortable hiring someone from their office until you can do some more networking and get to know people you’re reasonably sure won’t rob your house, lose your dog, or otherwise fuck your shit up?

Also, for added security, wyze cameras are like $40. As long as you inform people you have eyes on them, there’s no moral issue. We have a bunch at my house, and the one we use to watch the dog is “scoopy vision” because we’re weirdos and one of her calls names is scoopy.

I 100000% would not leave your dog outside, even with a fenced in yard, for that duration if you’re not physically at home. There’s way too much that can happen, and even if you are monitoring, you wouldn’t be able to get home if there was an actual emergency.
@eagle777 You 100% need to hire a Dog walker for an almost 15+ hour day alone. Probably for 2 walks.

If you are unable or unwilling to hire a dog walker you need to rehome the dogs.

15 hours alone isn't dog ownership it's neglect.
@silverthorne So he’ll be alone for 12 hours almost 14 hours and hiring a dog walker was a thought but u don’t want anyone in my house . Secondly ; I’ll only be working 3-4 nights a week . I’ve had him for 3 years as his previous owner kept him in and small crate for his first two years . I also mentioned I wanted to get fake grass to keep inside so he can go potty
@eagle777 Find a reputable dog walking company in your area and hire them. Buy indoor cameras (a Furbo has been great for us, but there are other options if you want a more formal security set up), and hire the walker.

A reputable dog walking company will have a contract and insurance — if you get “robbed blind” you can go after their insurance.

But hire a dog walker.
@imagebeastmarkbeast I agree with that wholeheartedly! Which is why I’m my days off he will get lots of walks . However I’ll be alone and in a new state . I don’t know anyone and moving to an area where I have no idea what the what ?! I don’t want someone in my house to rob me blind or try and kill me and idk how my dog would be someone coming in either that’s another fear . What if he bites them ? He gets his big boy bark on now imagine in a new place alone and someone coming in . I thought about boarding him overnight but at almost $600 a month plus bills it’s too much
@eagle777 You should purchase XL patch of grass from Fresh Patch. It's a subscription service that can ship a new one every 1-2 weeks ($40 every shipment) - it's definitely worth it! I use it for my blind yorkie. Then on the days you are home, go to the dog park for a few hours to make up for it 😊