@eagle777 I'm not sure how this would work. 14 hours (even overnight) is a very long time to expect a dog to be alone and hold their bladder. Plus, if you work night shift you'd be sleeping during the day so thats even more time that your pup will be alone with no mental or physical stimulation. I think you need some sort of plan in place but if you are unwilling to pay a dog sitter or walker, there's nothing anyone here can suggest.
@lseek I didn’t say I wasn’t willing boarding where I’m moving too is in excess of $600 . Yes I can install cameras but if I get robbed and I’m gone what could would that be . And I’ barely sleep so I’ll be up way before my alarm goes off to walk him
@eagle777 I don't know what you want us to say. You are clearly set on not doing anything additional for numerous reasons. If you really cared about your dog you wouldn't do this. No good dog owner would let this happen.
@eagle777 The majority of people who use dog walkers don't get robbed. You know who the person is coming into your home so if you get robbed, it won't be a difficult case for the police to crack. You set up an interview/meet and greet with the walker before hand and introduce them to your dog.

If you are working nights 7p-7a and leaving by 6p to get to work, you need someone to come let the dog out for a before bed bathroom break. Leaving the dog for 14 hrs is not ok.
@lseek I’ve got plenty of mental stimulation toys for him and will be taking him for walks and play fetch when I am awake and on days off .
@eagle777 It is way too long. He may be able to hold it in for so long but it is cruel. Also, when he gets older he will have bladder problems as holding it in is not healthy. Not for humans not for dogs. Your dog should be more important than your fear of being robbed. You should give him the best life you can not being alone for 14 hours and also at night. Just vet the person carefully, look for reviews or a neighbouring teenager that could walk the dog. Install cameras. There is always a way to make your dogs life better.
@eagle777 If it's only a couple nights a week, maybe use rover to drop your dog off at someone else's house or board your dog for those nights?

I've not had a lot of experience with the fake grass. But with my limited experience, dogs tend to not automatically know that it's fake grass and to potty there. it feels really different from real grass, you'll probably have to train your dog to potty on that.
@brotherinchristjesus89 Where we are at now they have fake grass and he hated it at first now he goes potty no problem on it . Thank you for your input . I talked to someone locally and it will cost me $50 a night for 3-4 nights
@eagle777 Why did you post when you aren't listening and trying to justify leaving a dog alone for over 12 hrs. You wanted opinions and you're getting them. You need a dog walker.

Install a camera and find someone you trust.
@djokica8 Ok 🙄 and again new STATE idk anyone and I’m alone. Anyone can come off as nice . I’ve been robbed twice by my own FAMILY . So sorry for being weary and looking for other options
@eagle777 are you saying youre working overnight shifts that are 12 hrs straight plus 40 mins commute each way? so if you leave at 9pm and say your dog goes to bed shortly after, youre not back til basically 10am. the bladder is a concern as thats a long time so sure, the grass idea works. im not as concerned about needing a walk since its night time. but if we are talking day time shifts then ya, 13 to 14 hours all in alone is too long, not for bathroom since youll have grass patch, im talking boredom for the poor dog. you have a VERY high level of paranoia about being robbed by a dog walker. but what other option do you have? why cant you secure your important valuables, have a front door and living room camera and hire a reputable dog walking company? reviews are critical for them so they would not want a bad review from a customer. 2 people said go ask the local vet for recommendations, thats a great idea. my biggest pet peeve is ppl coming on here asking for ideas, they receive a handful of practical and affordable ideas, but they refuse to consider them even tho they are the most logical solutions to their problems. so one last time to emphasize, sorry you were robbed before, but you need to find some way to figure out a middle ground bc you have a live animal who should get socialization sometime during the 13-14 hrs youre away. cmon man
@eagle777 what was on rover? so youre gone from 6pm to 7/8am. if your dog goes to bed around 9 lets say, that is 3 hours of alone time he is awake. it would be great to have even a 30 min dog walker during that time. the only situation i could foresee not needing that is if you have an older dog who really would just prefer to sleep most of the time. i cant believe youd still have the energy to walk and play with him after you come back from an overnight shift but if you say you do, then best of luck as it sounds very exhausting.
@eagle777 If you’re determined to not have a dog walker come to your home to get your pup, then another option would be to find a pet sitter that you could drop your pup off with on your way to work and then pick up on your way home. Leaving your pup at home alone for that amount of time is simply inhumane and unacceptable.