"Why would you let them do that!?!?" ~ my 13yo


New member
I was ranting today about spending 45 minutes blow drying a doodle with 4" long hair then stripping it with a 7F body, 1/2" head, short ears, and no tail. The owner asked for this.

"Why would you do that?!?! You should never listen to the owners! They don't know what they're doing! It looks like a Q-tip!"

Correct. Owners don't.

My kid is a multi-generation groomer's kid in every sense of the word. Kid was born in a grooming room, used to tell people at 3yo "I have to go to work to groom a Persian and shih tzu." They're known how to clean and oil my equipment since they were 9 and has groomed out own dogs. I was the same way.

I closed my shop when they were 4. I'm working at a small shop now, so I have 0 control over anything.

Edit, I guess?? I did the cut as asked. The owner wanted it. It's not my shop, so I do as asked. I'm not sure what wasn't clear about any of it, but I'm sorry if it wasn't. I tried to be as clear as possible about everything.

If you don't like reading people complain about their jobs... maybe don't be on a forum of any job related thing.
@natalia2019 I did this the other day. Tight curls couldn’t tell if there was matting or how bad. Spent way too long brushing,blowing,bathing. Just to do a 4 a/o. Dog could have been done by 6 the latest. Ended up being done at 7. Took us 20 minutes alone to pluck the ears because of how bad they were. Edit: somehow typed arms instead of ears
@temirlan Oh, you're totally fine. I would rather do my own dog start to finish, but the place I'm at does 20+ dogs a day with 5 staff who can groom, so they have 2 bathers.
@ray34iyf While this is fair enough I always just find it easier to have a "dirty blade". Also to be fair, I never have shave downs that are this long without being matted
@temirlan I have a few 7's, 4's, and a 5 that I use for dirty coats. I've experimented with bathing every dog before touching them with clippers, and I abandoned the idea fast because the drying time was absolutely insane.

I have a few dogs that are kept long, are well maintained, and the owners want a long or medium length guard clip all over. I give the dog a good bath, and set a very generous shape I want for the legs and underline with shearers and then begin drying and the finish is pretty easy. Whatever works.
@temirlan Yeah, every groomer’s different ¯_(ツ)_/ for me every dog is different. Today I had a 16 y/o doodle that I decided not to preshave and regretted it. He only had about an inch of hair but he also had no control of his bowel. It woulda been a whole lot easier to bathe and dry a #7 three times than the coat he came in with but that’s what hindsight is for, right?
@gmcarlson518 The dog's hair was legitimately 4" long. They could get a 4 or 5 more often and not see pink skin over their entire dog.

7 is the second shortest length you can go. It's just silly.
@natalia2019 I won't even do a 7 on a white/light dog. Shortest is a 5 for those. I'll do a 7 on a dark dense coat. (Doodle but not Shih Tzus). I really try to urge light coat owners not to do a 7. They need a bit of protection from the sun! I get they don't want to groom often so they try to buy more time, but it's a negligible amount you are buying between a 7 and a 5 (maybe 3 weeks before the 7 is at the 5 length anyway). I get it's not your shop though. I didn't like getting stupid requests when I was working for someone else too.
@stanley_4 Right?

I mentioned my kid in the post because even this 13yo (although a groomer's kid) knows its not a good idea lol. There was more to our conversation but that was the funny part.