Who watches y’all’s dog?


New member
A little bit of context- I have a 2 year old shar pei mix. She is reactive on leash, but fine off leash. (A little rough, but still fine.) For the whole time I’ve had her, my grandparents have lived with me while they are building their house. They have their dog that lives with us as well, so they have no problem watching my dog for me when I go out of town. They will be moving to their house soon, which is about 2 hours away. My question is, what do you guys do with your dogs when you go out of town? I admittedly do a lot of travel to festivals, etc. I have no other family that could watch her and I’ve heard horror stories from apps like Rover. Any advice would be appreciated!
@pioneer1 We bring our pup to a boarding facility that keeps the dogs separated at all times. Each dog has a 20x10 indoor/outdoor kennel. Once a day they're taken out to a big play area to play with a staff member. They even have a water park for dogs who like to play in water. We provide them with enrichment to give her every day (stuffed Kongs, chews, etc.). The staff says she mostly sleeps all day - no pacing or anything - so doesn't seem stressed.

She's always a little hyper when she comes back due to getting much less exercise & mental stimulation than usual, but otherwise seems fine. We've always been too nervous to hire a dog walker because when she's triggered she really pulls hard. We're worried someone not familiar with her triggers could accidentally drop her leash and she could get hit by a car or get into a fight (she isn't aggressive, but if she gets into another dog's face the other dog might get aggressive). I'd rather her be bored and have cabin fever versus get injured in some way.
@pioneer1 I'm in a situation like you are now. So it works out.

My choices would depend on the dogs specific issues.

In general my ranking?

A friend who can do in home pet sitting.

In home petsitting either visits or overnights (Always a huge proponent of if you know a trust worthy college student they could be an awesome fit)

Vet boarding (Might be less fancy/comfy but I'm a huge fan of a vet being right there)

Boarding facility

In your case? Drive the dog to your grandparents (Hope they are kind and agree to meet you half way (Even if you have to pay for their gas)) I'd absolutely do this for my family.
@pioneer1 Ours goes in to boarding kennels, we spent about a year slowly building up a relationship with a local kennel who were recommended to us by other dog owners in the area.

We started with an afternoon visit, followed by an overnight and gradually built up the time.

We sent him in with a 4 page dossier on his past and his behaviour issues. They have been awesome and he loves his holidays in kennels now. He interacts with other dogs but has his own large kennel and pen. They always put him in the same "room" when he stays as he likes his routines and familiarity.
@pioneer1 I have a boarding I will bring my girl as soon as I have to be away longer then maybe a weekend. If its a short stay my parents will take care of her or a friend.
@pioneer1 I leave him with my parents. It's harder now since they have other dogs that he can't be around, but they make it work.

I have had to board him a couple of times; when I do that, I usually go with a vet clinic because they tend to see more anxious dogs than some daycare places that only see friendly ones, plus I know they can handle his meds and do solo walks instead of a big group play.
@pioneer1 We started having him go out with a walker who boards so he's comfy and familiar with him when we go away - he's always our first choice. If he's not available, we board him with the owner of the puppy school he went to when he was little or a handful of friends he's familiar with and loves.
@pioneer1 I do a boarding kennel. They’re fear free and my dog passed their temperament test. He is separate from other dogs which is what he needs. I want to hire a dog sitter at our house but we have fence fights in the backyard with our neighbors dog who bullies our dog. My dog needs to be on a long line and kept away from the shared fence line at all times and I doubt a regular person would take it that seriously. They’ve broken through the fence before. Yes we have a trainer 🤣
@pioneer1 I am lucky that I my best friend is also one of my dogs favorite people. If we have to go out of town, she will watch them. She has two dogs of her own that both of my dogs get along with (and my husky gets super excited if I even mention their names).

My SIL has a farm and had watched our GSD in the past. He does well there, the husky does not. She chases the sheep and barks at the horses. My mom can also watch them if she has to, but she had two small dogs (chihuahua and a pomeranian mix) so I look at her as a last resort.

We haven't tried boarding yet, but it is something my husband does not mind paying for if we have to. I don't know how well my dogs would do though. I would have to ask to do a trial while I am hone to see.

Edit: butterfingers with spelling