Which of these 2 online courses is right for me?

@chinyereukoha I got a ton out of the Michael Ellis "Raising Your Puppy" stream (watched it 3-4 times in the year leading up to litters I was on a list for and practiced some things with my older dog).I was already familiar with the theories, so I was able to get more out of it than trying to learn a new system. I ended up getting a 17-month old instead of a baby puppy, but it was still very applicable. There are a few minutes that are more geared toward sport/working dogs, but 98% is just how to create a well-behaved confident dog you can live with.

ETA: I did the Forrest Micke course on engagement and it was a huge boost for us. It cleared up some things for me and really set us up well to move into the world.
@chinyereukoha PS: You are not going to learn anything about how to train from Ivan's podcasts or free videos- I tried, believe me. Best to hire one of his certified trainers for a few sessions with your dog. Nothing beats hands on work with an experienced professional. It's worth the $ if there is one in your area. Look on Ivan's website for the trainer directory. Worth it.
@armandocm There is one near me, and I'll likely enlist her services in the future if I start having issues with my training. But I've purchased 6 of Ellis' DVD's and the online Puppy course as well, so I feel like I have a solid training system framework to get started with. Then if I begin to struggle with anything, I'll look to hire the professional that is certified in Ivan's TWC system. As I know for a fact they have very similar training systems. Which reminds me, I need to re-listen to the 3 hour podcast of Ellis and Ivan's discussion.

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