Which job would you take?


New member
  1. W,F 8-4 , T,TH 3pm-7:30, Saturday 8-4 50/50 split. no benefits. Price starts $38 +
  2. T-Saturday 7:30-4:30pm 40% pay, paid vacation 3 days year
    Price $50+
  3. Teaching position 8-6pm Wed. TH, F 8-4pm . 3pm-7:30 pm Tuesday , 8-3pm saturday. OFF sunday & Monday. Pay is hourly $12/13 + commission bonus , Year round paycheck, paid 4 day vacation, Christmas bonus, paid grooming events 1x per year. Limited grooming needed. Avg bonus $90 week
  4. M-S Days vary, 65% split 9-7pm available.
None offer a bather.
@guariglio8195 I think #3 sounds awesome if you enjoy teaching. Would you still be able to groom request clients there on the side of teaching? If you've been grooming for a long time then teaching for a while could be nice to give your body a break.

otherwise #4 sounds pretty sweet if you get enough days.
@guariglio8195 3 sounds the best, guaranteed paycheck + commission (so long as its at least 40%) + paid vacation (nearly impossible to find outside corporate) + bonus

1 would have been nice, but base rate is WAY too low for me (unless thats a chi bath)

2 i would only take 40% on bath dogs, haircuts should never be less than 50% unless you are at a top tier shop that charges at least 85 for a yorki cut.

4 seems like they could screw you out of hours/days if its a 'variable' schedule, though 65% is real tempting. If they cant guarantee me at least 3 days, in writing, dont take it. variable means you cant even hold down another job, unless its a night job or they know they will only want you day x y and z and never a b c or d. then you could take two part times

hard choice if they met my requests on 4. but a teaching job looks real good on the resume later. so i'd likely still lean that way. if you do go with 4, make sure you are active in furthering your own training, so you can pass that knowledge on.
