Getting a dog with a full time job?

@afhvacigg Oh that’s great to hear. I accept it will be a challenge but I am hoping with a combination of my fiancés time off with school holidays in the summer and my ability to work from home we could get through that settling in phase ok
@kim2116 Make sure he has access to your yard (doggie door) so he can pee or poop whenever he needs. And if you can’t walk him before or after work, hire a dog sitter to walk him for 30 mins each day
@kim2116 I work at an animal shelter and have two dogs myself (one adopted as a puppy, one as an adult), so here's my two cents.
  1. Almost every family has to leave their dog home alone at some point. Work from home is great, but like you said, not always possible for one person to be home. You can still get a dog, but it has to be the right fit.
  2. That being said, 8-10 hours consistently alone is too much for most dogs. Don't get a dog unless you can find a way to let them out and interact with them at lunch (like a trusty dog walker) during those long days you are both away.
  3. Do NOT get a puppy unless you/family can be home with them almost 24/7. It's the time they are learning the most, and they will underdevelop or create bad habits if left alone for too long (biting, chewing, barking excessively, etc.) There are plenty of adult dogs looking for homes. My 1 yo pup is still chewing on things when left alone, and that's after a year of trying/training.
  4. If you wanna try it out, see if you can foster-to-adopt or volunteer as a foster at your local animal shelter. A good shelter will try to help set you up for success and guide you through the process.
@lilly159 that’s great Thankyou. I am looking into what dog walking services may be available for those days when they do come around. I like to be prepared before I decide on something like this so all the advice/ insight is much appreciated
@kim2116 I have a similar scenario as yours, for the days that I need to be at the office, I have a dogwalker come over around lunch to take my labrador for a walk. It's not very expensive, I pay around 10 EUR. But I saw cheaper and even free offers too.

I don't thinks it's OK to leave your dog alone for more than 6 hours consistently. If it happens a few times, ok... but it will definitly make your dog unhappy.

And as others have pointed out. Puppies are a lot of work the first 1-2 years, need constant attention. So I recommend getting a shelter dog, there are too many of them being put down and locked in cages.

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