When will they stop pooping 5 - 7 times a day?


New member
Our GR is almost 15 weeks. He's been pooping 5 - 7 times a day since we got him at 8 weeks. Morning poops are nice and firm easy to pick up, evening poops somewhat mushy. Luckily he's almost 100% potty trained šŸ˜‚
@inquiringmind It will stop. It just gradually goes down. My 11 month old poops 2 (sometimes 3) times a day.

5 seems on the high side of normal, 7 seems excessive. I would ask the vet.
@inquiringmind My puppy pooped 6ish times a day for a while. Iā€™d say it reduced to 2-3 in the last few months, so maybe when she was 8-9 months old. It didnā€™t matter much to me since she had to go out to pee a lot anyway when she was little. Now she poops 2-3 times and pees probably 5.
@inquiringmind My guy consistently did 5 a day until he was about 6 months old, now at 9 months he does 3 a day. First thing in the morning, about an hour after breakfast and an hour after dinner.
@inquiringmind My lab was the same way and now as an adult he poops once or twice a day. I think it started reducing frequency sometime around 5-6 months and really stabilized around 8-10 months.

He also had firm poop in the first half of the day that got progressively softer by the end of the day. Vet said it was a sign of over feeding and recommended we reduce his food by 10% which we did and that solved it. Firm poops all day and night after that.
@tygra_1983 My is firm at first and goes mushy through the day but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s from the treats because on days we give less treats it stays firm but weā€™re trying to train him so uh yeah
@inquiringmind Mushy poops at end of day can be a sign of over feeding ā€“ maybe try cutting down by a bit? I also see you feed four times, you donā€™t need to do that. Usually I see 3x recommended up to six months and then down to 2x after that.

Do you feed a chicken based food? Lots of dogs are allergic or intolerant of chicken ā€“ could be worth trying a different protein (and making sure itā€™s chicken free all the way down the ingredient list) and seeing if that helps.
@poppylavender He's been on the leaner side since we got him so he's definitely not overfed. But yes, we've tried 3 different kibbles all chicken or poultry based. Although I don't think that's the issue as he had a case of diarrhea which we fixed with a 2 day chicken and rice diet. We will consult the vet regardless šŸ˜Š
@inquiringmind Are you free feeding? Mine always pooped in relation to when and how many meals she got per day. When she was younger it was 3x and now she poops 2x a day. Maybe he's struggling with the food?
@lupuswarrior My doberman was about 3 times a day max as well.

Shes 6 now and is about once or twice, depends on the day and how many extra walks she gets

My dog as a puppy had to piss CONSTANTLY though. But iā€™d say around 6 months that leveled off too, as she got bigger her bladder got bigger and could hold more.

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