What was the best/worst quote you heard from a client when they were told you’re booked this holiday season?


New member
I’ll start:
Me: sorry, we’re all booked today, but I can get you in on the 26th.

Them: But SANTA wOn’T CoMe DoWn ThE ChImNeY iF FLuFfy DoEsN’T GeT BaThEd BeFoRe ChRiStMaS…….

Excuse me, what?? I’m not a “grinch” but Christmas is my least favorite holiday and has been made worse working retail grooming. Do not ever try to guilt trip me like I’m a child. We were completely open until the 3-4 days before Christmas Day. I guarantee your dogs bath would still be fresh then, but no. You had to call last minute and now there’s no way to get you in before. Think ahead!

Thanks for letting me vent. Congratulations everyone for surviving the holidays of 2021!!
@tini91 We've been booked out two months in advance since March because there's a groomer shortage in my area, and my favorite is usually the very loud "WHAT?!?!??!?" and "well that doesn't work for me." Like oh I'm sorry, lemme just pull some availability out of my ass to accommodate you since you pitched a fit, my bad my bad.
@setsurinvuch Ugh, had someone recently "so I can fit you in after 12:30 on Saturday or 11:00 on Wednesday, got others until then". I get a message back "could you do 10:00 on Saturday please" like why are you making up times, I literally told you what I have, I can't magically make appointments! She then spent five minutes talking to me about the haircut because all her terms contradicted each other, got there in the end!

Edit: Just went back to read the messages, she also asked to stay with the dog! That was shut down very quickly!
@tini91 I'm just somehow always surprised when people ask if we have anything "today". Nobody has that lol. And everyone is surprised when I say we're booking out until April already.
@pythagon Had this last week, Saturday before Christmas, turns up at 1:00 asking if we have any appointments for today, I shut at 5. Like no, of course I don't, you should have booked in earlier!
@tini91 Asshole: what do you mean you don’t have availability on the 23rd that’s two weeks away

Me: yes, I usually book 4-6 weeks out in general and the week before Christmas has been booked since October

Asshole: I’ve seen your hours, they’re ridiculous, (I work part time for medical reasons) if those are the only actual hours you have booked you have plenty of time to see my Generic Backyard Bred Mat Machine That’s Never Seen A Brush In Its Life

Me: those are in fact my hours, but if you insist, sure I could squeeze in an extra appointment at the beginning of the day. I require non-refundable deposits for first appointments from new clients, so we can go ahead and add on the cost of the urgent care trip and spinal injections I’ll need after pushing myself beyond my hours. That’ll be half the projected cost of the groom plus the $60 office visit copay and $250 for the injections. I can take your card payment over the phone whenever you’re ready :)

Asshole: hangs up
@worshiplady3 Over the past couple years (especially around the major holidays) I began responding to “anything before then?” with silence. I already clearly articulated the soonest date, I did not stutter, and their grunt of disgust proves they heard me. Then when they ask “Are you still there?” I say, “Sure am.” and wait for them to without fail say “I’ll call back.” I will repeat the silence each time they ask for earlier appointments.
@tini91 I had a lady call the Monday before Christmas asking to urgently get in for just a bath. I gave her 4 times over the span span of three days. She then says no we are really busy this week so that’s not gonna work. And I’m like YOU are the one that called ME asking to get in and now you are too busy? Then I had my day off and I come back and I see her on the schedule on Christmas Eve because someone else scheduled her. I mean…🙄
@boaz308 Like the ones that enjoy wasting my time on the phone so they can check their schedule even though you called me- this happens all year round lol

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