What question from owners makes you short-circuit at it’s stupidity?

@clare100 lol they can go on the fuck ahead and try. idk bout you but we get 5+ calls a day from new clients. cant take new ones anymore. were basically booked through the year and half of that is wildly overbooked
@clare100 It blows my mind when they're rude and insulting and then still expect to book again.

I'm alone in my salon right now and I will literally tell people I have too many clients to be putting up with nonsense.
@deepseed386 I’m the only person at my shop..my own shop at a new place after 20yrs with someone else’s shop, but I’m in a pet store and my coworkers will not put up with it so it’s nice to finally have someone on the same page as me.
I won’t tolerate the abuse anymore. If they don’t like it they shouldn’t come back. I mean, if I was complaining about my hair every time I went to the hairdressers I’d look like a lunatic. 😆
It’s weird how different things are when it comes to grooming
@rkenoke Yeppppp. 🤨 I even say OK I KNOW ALL THAT. LETS STAY OM THE HAIRCUT & that still doesn’t work 😆 it’s wild!! They’re usually the ones that say oh I don’t know. You’re the groomer.
Well that’s funny because you’ve been telling me how to do my job for ten mins 🤔
@rushu "You're not going to hurt Fluffy, right?"

Bye. I'm not messing with you. You'll call back and hour after pick up & accuse me of some nonsense & no. You groomer hop & then act like we're the problem when your untrained monster keeps trying to alligator roll when I touch his chin because you only have him groomed every 4-6 months.
@rushu "Can you get the nails as short as they can go?"

I hear this or some variation of it MULTIPLE times a day. At this point I'm just snarky about it and say something like "So no acrylics today?"

Like fucking DUH. Do you think I'm just going to cut them halfway and call it good? It's always the most clueless owners too that say it. Icing on top is if they add something like "Last time you guys didn't get the nails short enough". Great! That was ~3 months ago so...nothing I can do about that now. Your word against mine sweetcheeks.
@gulliver85 Yup they just want to do it once or once every few months while still having perfectly short nails. I've had customers stop coming to me because they were convinced it was something I was doing (or not doing)