What question from owners makes you short-circuit at it’s stupidity?

@rushu "hi I'm looking for an experienced doodle groomer?" Okay I'll book you with so and so "are you SURE they've groomed a doodle before? I need to be with a groomer who's worked on a doodle before" 🙄 yes ma'am. We've ALL groomed doodles
@madison_breen That's when I say "all doodle coat is different. That's what happens when there is no breed standard that's followed. So if you'd like to show me a photo I can tell you if it even possible with your dog". Because everyone wants the cute Asian fusion snout but none of their dogs have the coat to carry it
@rushu It was so hard to not sound like a bitch saying that. I was like listen... You're going to have a hard time finding a groomer without doodle experience.

Your bougie mutt isn't a rare breed 😅😅
@madison_breen Yeah we're kinda bitchy at the shop. We just have little patience when someone tries to school us on our own craft. Plus I already know I don't want you as a client and I'm sure not afraid to lose business from someone like that😌
@deepseed386 😆💀 exactly. I did a poodle last month..shaved feet..(this is somewhat important) I ALWAYS do the nails as short as I possibly can like for real. I dremel right up to the quick because that’s what I would want.
The owner comes I TWO WEEKS LATER acting like an asshole saying YOU DIDNT CUT MY DOGS NAILS. I said I can assure you that I guarantee I 100% cut the nails. I showed her and said..”look that’s literally two weeks growth. I won’t even be able to trim that off. I’d cut her quick”
She kept going and going. I said “I’d be more than happy to dremel that little tip off for you but I know I cut them and I cut them right up to the quick. There’s also no way I would’ve missed it WHEN I WAS SHAVING YOUR DOGS FEET”
She kept carrying on as I walked away.
So she got a free nail trim, just like the old white rich ladies like 😉
Then she proceeded to ask me how I got her so clean especially her face and how good she looked.
Lady…you’ve already insulted me. Just leave. 🤚🏼
It never ceases to amaze me how owners say the same shit around the world. verbatim. It’s wild.
@clare100 There was a client at Petsfart who took advantage of the “customer is always right” BS philosophy and would come in 2-3 weeks after their groom and insist the groomer did not cut her dog’s nails….she did this for years! Thus, she got a free nail trim between every groom for years. When it was my turn to groom this dog, and knowing this client’s history, I assured her conscious by having her stay and watch me do the nails in front of the store manager himself. She got all weird about it and was like “no no no, I trust you’ll cut them….no need for me to stay and watch alongside the store manager…” yeah lady….because you want to claim we didn’t cut them 3 weeks from now and get your free nail trim.
@amethyst86purple Oh my godddd. of course she did!! Because they cannot handle being called out on their bullshit. A few years ago I decided to stop with this crap. When people are chronic complainers I simply say, it seems that we cannot make you happy so I feel it’s best that you find another place to get your dog groomed. And that’s it 🤷🏻‍♀️
And they alwayssss come crawling back with their tails between their legs because they didn’t realize how good they had it 😆 99% if the time they stop with the fuckery.