What question from owners makes you short-circuit at it’s stupidity?


New member
“You don’t have other dogs in there right? Because Fluffy is really aggressive with other dogs!”

Lady we’re a f*ing dog grooming salon. Did you not think to clarify if we have more than one table before you dropped your dog off?
@rushu Me: hi! Is this teddy's first time here?
Owner: yes it is!
Me: awesome, we're happy to see him! Do you have his rabies certificate with you?
Owner: what is that?
Me: it's the paper the vet gives you when your pup gest vaccinated
Owner: nobody told me I had to vaccinate him
Me: the state of Michigan lawfully requires that your dog is vaccinated against rabies
Owner: since when?
Me: face palms
@wehyee Or better

Owner: I don't believe in vaccines due to chemicals so Jack is pure

Me: unfortunately the law states your dog must have rabies vaccines and so does my salon so I can't service your dog

Owner: This is discrimination against my beliefs I'm getting the managerleaves

This seriously happened to me :/ I worked at a petco and ya even my costumer kissing manager sent her away.
@jay2242 Dude I worked at petsmart and the amount of people that didn't know they had to vaccinate their animals was insane

I'm sorry but he needs to be vaccinated to be here

Oh he doesn't go outside so he doesn't need to be vaccinated

@wehyee When I was at Petco I had a guy come in for a nail trim. He was a regular. Computer said rabies vaccine was expired, so I relay this to him. Already I could tell he was Not Pleased. Says, "Thats not right, she is current." So I give him a cheery no problem! Lemme call your vet real quick and get the updated expiration!

He is irked at having to wait. Lo and behold, vet confirms the dog is overdue, which I relay to the angry man. "This is ridiculous. So, what? You won't do it?!"

Per policy and, you know, the law, I cannot. I would be fired. So, no.

"Well...can't you just...do it?"


He then proceeded to get mad at me because his vet never sent him a reminder that the dog was due for vaccines. 🙄
@stevieblunder Someone yelled at me because we as a grooming salon didn't call him to let him know the rabies expired as if a national corporation calls everyone when their rabies expires. Most private salons wouldn't do that. Some people need to learn how to be responsible adults.
@jay2242 I'm sure his vet did send him a reminder, he just ignored/forgot about it/still wanted to argue. He said it like he expected it to change my mind. Or he was embarrassed that he didn't know his dog was overdue and was making excuses.
@wehyee I love when I tell them “it’s the law, all dogs, cats and ferrets over four months of age are required by NYS to be vaccinated for rabies.”

Some like to argue that their 8+ year old dog had its rabies vaccine as a puppy, so that should be enough… it’s not…

And cat owners are like “he’s an indoor cat, he’s not going to get rabies being inside.” I mean, hopefully not, but rats carry rabies… and wouldn’t you rather be safe ($20 vaccine, and abide by the law) than sorry (dealing with a possible rabies situation and a fat fine)?
@knr80 Sorry, this is many comments later, and I’m replying to you specifically, why? Idk. But after reading all these comments and, as a vet tech, experiencing situations as such in the clinic, this question just popped into my head. Groomers - I have owners that come in and do rabies titer testing so they don’t have to give a rabies vaccine anymore (and don’t ask me the legality or how valid this actually is, just some experiences I’ve had at the clinics) and anyways. I’m just curious, what does that look like for grooming? Do you guys accept titer testing? How does that work? If you don’t know, that’s ok, just curious now about these people all of us in the field seem to come across....
@aimeelynn17 Some will and some won't. As far as I know titer tests are not always accurate and I require all dogs that I work on to be currently vaccinated or have a vets note that they cannot have the vaccine for health reasons. I'm sure corporate is the same. Some private salons do not even require proof of vaccination and leave it on the responsibility of the owner if their dog gets sick. But with zoonotic diseases like rabies that are 100% fatal if you show symptoms, I'd rather not leave it up to the owners sense of responsibility or an unsure test.
@aimeelynn17 Smart does not accept titer testing. They use to for dog that couldn’t get the rabies vaccine due to medical reasons but don’t anymore.

Edit this means we can’t take dogs that can’t get rabies due to medical reasons
@rushu My coworker is very scared of rabies bc apparently you don’t get the symptoms until it’s too late. There’s a vaccine for it but good luck knowing you have it in time to get it.
@sadie716 Yeah by the time you’re sympathetic you’re fucked. Closer to your head the bite is, the less time you have for treatment (attacks the brain)