What puzzles would y’all recommend?

@icetiger100 keep in mind that whatever he does, he will like it WAY better if you are involved. teach him the names of his toys, then you can send him after one that's in another room. he will learn the room names too.

in general, heelers like fresh games rather than ones that have been solved. make up some goofy things to do, teach him to catch a ball, give him a few grapes to play with and eat. lots of options!
@kody Absolutely! Getting involve are the keywords here! Heelers love to play with their pack! 😁 Even though a puzzle is an excellent way to get a 2 minutes of pause, sometimes! 😅😂

(Psssttt! Maybe I am wrong but grapes aren’t toxic for doggos?)
@icetiger100 We trained ours to use different colored game show buzzers. This buzzer for his lamb chop toy, this buzzer to go out, and this buzzer for I'm annoyed at you or lets play!. The annoyed/play one is the best. If he gives you a toy and you don't throw it fast enough he'll go smack that buzzer. If you ask him to roll over too many times in a row he'll go smack that buzzer. If you're not doing anything fun he'll go smack that buzzer. When we're doing "school/training" and he's tired, you can see him start to eye the buzzer over in it's spot. He'll ignore you and go push it when he's had enough and it's time for school to be out for the day.