What is the healthiest type of dog food


New member
I truly just want the best for my puppy and have heard many pros and cons about different typed of dog food. There are so many numbers involved where I don’t know if they are true or not, e.g. raw food decreases cancer risks by 90%, etc. Not looking at a price perspective, what is (in your opinion) the best type of dog food? Please explain why and if possible your source. Hope I am not asking for too much, good day to you and your dog!
@justsomeone910 FOR THE BESTEST? Without price as the limiting factor?

-multiple veterinary nutritionist tailored recipes with your pup with as much fresh and biologically available nutrients as possible (so your pup gets nutrients from a verity of sources and doesn't get tired of food)(with the added bonus that they are biologically available and more easily processed)

I studied B.S. Biology and B.S. Kinesiology.

1) Nothing really beats VIP one-to-one patient-to-professional interaction.

2) Most vitamins work in a complex interaction with one another so just providing isolated vitamins instead of getting the whole vitamin complex from naturally occurring resources is not the bestest especially since science doesn't know all the molecules and all their interactions just yet. We know a lot, but not everything.

3) lots of ingredients denature/have a half-life so for me serving it fresh or fresh frozen is the best way to deliver complete and balanced meals with minimal preservatives

4) mental heath is good for any living being, and variety plays a role in that as well
@justsomeone910 To be honest it completely depends on your dog. Some dogs do fantastic on raw some don’t. Some do fantastic on kibble some don’t. It’s a large guessing game and experimenting. It took me about a and a half to finally find something that works for my rescue. My other dog more of a garbage can but even he had a couple issues. They are both on the same food (my goal to find one they both do well on) and are looking amazing. We do a combo of kibble and fresh/raw. I did having a kibble they do well on a really good back up in case you forget to defrost or forget something at the store .