What do y’all do with broken blades?

@mstar19 Some girls at my salon will use it under guard combs but I think it’s best to just toss it, I find once something breaks be it a tooth or what have you it just doesn’t cut right. Curious tho how did it break? You just drop them or a dog kicked them out of your hands?
@liquidius I dropped it 😅 I literally ordered a cushion mat that same day to go into my station and it slipped out of my hands when I was sliding it off and broke the blade tooth AND my #2 comb guard with it on the concrete floor. I ordered replacements for them both and thanked the stars it was at the end of the haircut 😭 I’m gonna ask my sharpener if he has replacement parts or if he’ll recycle it for me since it seems like such a waste of good steel.
@rickt65 I was trained by PetSmart which had the highest safety standards in the industry and we were allowed to use broken blades with one or two teeth missing under a guard comb because it doesn't have any chance to touch the skin unless you're being an idiot.