What are your dogs' nicknames?

@pipedream15 [sup]Sokka-Haiku[/sup] [sup]by[/sup] [sup]littlebitofspice:[/sup]

Blue. AKA Bluey,

Blue Baby, Blueker, Bluebo

Baggins, and Baby Dog

[sup]Remember[/sup] [sup]that[/sup] [sup]one[/sup] [sup]time[/sup] [sup]Sokka[/sup] [sup]accidentally[/sup] [sup]used[/sup] [sup]an[/sup] [sup]extra[/sup] [sup]syllable[/sup] [sup]in[/sup] [sup]that[/sup] [sup]Haiku[/sup] [sup]Battle[/sup] [sup]in[/sup] [sup]Ba[/sup] [sup]Sing[/sup] [sup]Se?[/sup] [sup]That[/sup] [sup]was[/sup] [sup]a[/sup] [sup]Sokka[/sup] [sup]Haiku[/sup] [sup]and[/sup] [sup]you[/sup] [sup]just[/sup] [sup]made[/sup] [sup]one.[/sup]
@calicoder2 For their first two years of their existence it was mayhem and chaos. Once we survived the teen years they began to answer to their given names of Simba and Wallaby. Simba likes his name and knows good things happen when he responds to it. Wallaby on the other hand has to consider all the options available before responding.
@calicoder2 Wyatt is so rarely called his given name. It’s usually a riff of Boogie Monster for the scare tactic (my) parents gave me to stay in bed at night. “Better not get out of bed, the Boogie Monster will grab your ankles and pull you under!”

Mostly it’s just Monster ❤️
@calicoder2 His name is pan so his nicknames are:
Panny, panny wannie, pandemic, pots and pan, pandemonium, panny wanny likes to smell Fanny (my personal fav), son, good boy, baby, buddy, bubba, sock eater, crazy pants, and then I sing songs about him and he especially hates that but I love it 😂😂