What are your dogs' nicknames?

@calicoder2 We have 3 - two ACD mixes and our non-ACD abomination.

Abomination is a pitt bull/pug/chihuahua mix. She's kinda freaky looking but also kinda cute. Her name is Cocoa (She was owned and named by a little old lady who died and I think Cocoa killed the lady with her farts). Cocoa has turned into Cocoa Bean or Miss Bean.

Emmett is our Chihuahua/ACD/Chow/Poodle/Supermutt mix. He has a beautiful ACD like coat that is brown chihuahua colors, and his face shapeshifts between ACD and chihuahua. It's hilarious. Anyway, he's Emmett-Thing.

Thea is our ACD-Pitt bull-Supermutt mix. She's beautiful, and only a year old, and we had her since 11 weeks. She's sometimes "Baby Thea" or just "Dog-Daughter."

Thankfully they all wear each other out on the reg because they're a LOT.
@calicoder2 Iggy becomes Igtopus, becomes Puss Puss.

Cholla (pronounced Choy-uh) is Poop Pig, Bridgette, Linda, Monster-Monster, Wolverine, Sis, and Cholla Madeline when she’s in trouble. A friend’s daughter calls Iggy and Cholla “Eggs and Joy”.
@calicoder2 We have Montana and Dakotah

Their nicknames are:

Dakotah: D, Koda, Kody Coyote, squishy face

Montana: Tana, Monty, Monty monkey, satellite dish

And both of them also go by big baby, dumbass, wigglebutt, and L'idiot (little idiot)
@calicoder2 His name is Occy (pronounced Ah-key) and these are the names a phrases i say to him on pretty much a daily basis.



Hey Biddy! (like buddy but with an i)

Oh it’s my boyfriend, your a boy and your my best friend. Boyfriend.


Oh my god dude, you’re the cutest boy that I’m aware of. The cutest boy i know.

@calicoder2 His name is Spencer, but we mostly call him Spenace the menace lmao. He also gets called spenley , spencey, spence & spenerelle, and one of his favourites that he just seems to light up on when we call him is “da baby”
@calicoder2 Her name is Charlie but I call her lots of things. Charles, Chuck, Chucky, Chucky Cheese, Charlie Lou, Charlie Warlie, Chuck-A-Rama, Chuckaroni and Cheese, Charlie Cheese Dog, there’s probably others I’m not thinking of rn.
@calicoder2 Denver:

Den-den, Dender, Der, Dender B. Friendin, DenDen Frazier, Son, Son-boy, The/Your Boy, Boy-son, Snoozler, and Doozler are the main ones? The last are for when he’s sleeping, and we also call him a Dangle-Doozler when he’s sleeping + dangling his head fully off his bed.
@calicoder2 Another Jamba Juice here!

Also bubs, bubba, boobie, bushki, boomshki, boombas, bumbi, bubbarita bombita, puppernickle, sweet pea, sweet baby angel, angel of love, pupperoni with cheese, mr. golden sun

His name is Kevin lol
@calicoder2 Totally agree!!

That’s even funnier you’ve never had one, lol. No idea why we call him that either, it was so random. It was so funny to see someone else called their dog that too!

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