What are some cold weather activities I can do with my aussie?


New member
It's starting to get pretty cold out, and my 2 yo aussie is usually pretty calm and content, but we haven't been able to do any of our daily frisbee or really anything outside. It's getting the muddy and gross in our downhill back yard, and I don't want all of the mud getting between her toes. I feel bad. She's starting to get overly excited over certain things because she's not getting enough activity through out the day. I'm a senior, and I go to school at 8 in the morning, to work at 11, and don't get home until 5pm. My mom watches her for me, along with our rescue aussie. Gypsy never really gets time on her own, or much mental stimulation aside from multiple trips outside, which our yard it pretty big.

I just need ideas for things that I can do to keep her happy, and hopefully keep her feeling mentally and physically exercised. She knows lots of tricks, she has tons of toys, and I have lick mats. I've been playing hide n seek with her. With her toys and with myself. What else can I do?
@organus Not sure if this will help, but I throw a coat on my pup and take him to doggy daycare. He plays like crazy with all his friends. They have an indoor section and an outdoor section with fake grass, so no mess!
@deezynah Gypsy has a huge fear of strangers, she has some fear aggression, so we're getting her a trainer. She wasn't socialized properly as a puppy because we got her at the start of lockdown :(
If she was better with people, I definitely would
@organus I hav no experience with it myself, but I have heard that scent work is really effective for tiring out active dogs. I know a trainer who can put vanilla essential oil on a cotton ball, hide it in the house, and the pup will search intensively for about 25 minutes, and once she finds it she is exhausted for hours. I am not a trainer by any means, I just thought you might be able to google it or find a trainer who can help you get there. Gook luck and let us know what happens!