What’s you “I’m running behind” song?


New member
I know all of you have something that plays in your head when you’re in that crunch time! For me it’s “break my stride,” but I replace it with,” I got to keep on groooming!” And yes I have been caught singing it out loud. I worked with a groomer who would sing, “deck the halls” but a dog grooming version when she was in crunch time. Cmon guys let’s hear your songs!
@maebee_so Go greased (my name), you're grooming all the dogs,
oh yeah
(greased my name, go greased my name)
go greased (my name) you're bathing all the dogs
oh yeah
(greased my name, go greased my name)
You are supreme
The dogs are clean
With greased (my name)

Also Don't Stop Me Now, the one eurobeat song The Top, I'm Still Standing, basically any power metal song.
@maebee_so Depends on the mood. Often I’ll throw on a Queen playlist starting with Under Pressure, but usually I don’t stress about time. Stressing and pushing yourself to groom faster leads to mistakes and injury.