What’s y’all’s biggest pet peeve?


New member
(vent incoming)

personally, mine is when owners come in before their dog is done. or when owners call 1 single hour after dropping off their massive doodle asking if they’re done yet. like. we quoted a few hours and told you we would call you. did we call you? no. did we forget to call you? no. THEY WILL BE DONE WHEN THEY ARE DONE. coming in before they’re ready riles the dog up and makes it harder to do our job.
@devincamary Is it true that filing to the quick can make the quicks recede in a few months because of the pressure put on them? My girl has super long quicks and nail trimming is scary.
@humansmeagol technically yeah. i’d just take her to a groomer or even the vet so that they can get as close as possible to that quick without making her bleed but still exposing it just barely for it to work.
@humansmeagol From working at a vet and having a bunch of dogs- yes but it takes time and you have to be very careful! Using a good groomer or vet is best to accomplish this! Do NOT try this at home, you can cause more stress and problems than solve!
@rakis I tried to clip one toenail using “safety” clippers with a guardnthinking I was far from the quick. Nope. Trying to condition her for filing instead because that was traumatic for both of us. I knew she was fine but so much blood.
@anton_james Have a client with an absolute demon of a cat that comes for nails. Needs two of us plus an ecollar, someone still usually gets hurt.

Brought the cat out to her once, reported only one of us bleeding this time and she says "oh, sorry - did you get them as short as you could?". 😑
@anton_james One of our clients literally has a note in the system to have our manager check the dogs nails because the mom never thinks they’re short enough. Whenever the pet parent says something my manager has to step in & tell her that we cannot go any shorter without making the dog bleed.

Another time, a client brought his dog back because he said he believes the nails were missed during the bath, okay cool. He wants them grinded, so I bring my clippers & dremel. I check the nails first, they were indeed cut, just not grinded very well. So I just grinded them all, he asks me “Aren’t you supposed to cut them first?” I just told him, “Yes usually, but your dog’s nails are already pretty short.” He didn’t seem too happy & has complained other times as well lmao
@anton_james Wait sincerely asking since I am a non-groomer lurker— is this statement always reviled? My pup has short quicks and comes in for regular paw work. I had 2 services in a row that they were just barely dremeling when I paid for a trim too (still could hear them clattering across the floors and barely saw any difference to my eye) and finally asked to talk to the groomer the next time to really trim them and she agreed her quicks were short said “she’d get them as short as possible”. Since then I’ve been asking for that every time she goes in and it works. Is there something else I should say?
@dmaxie61 Your best bet is to just tell the whole story in simple words. If someone said to me "her quicks are deceivingly short, can you just make sure you cut them as far back as you can?" I would have much less of an issue.

But also, the people who ask for this are usually people who bring their dogs every 8+ weeks and act as if they're only long because we didn't get them as short as possible last time.
@dmaxie61 Sounds like you got a lazy groomer we are supposed to take them as short as possible that’s part of our job. Unless your dog was really bad for nail and that’s as short as they could safely get them but if they’ve been able to get them shorter before and since I doubt that’s the reason.
@dinhthaihoang Yeah, I’m not sure what the issue was but we had been going at least every 3-4weeks regularly then twice in a row the nails looked like there was at least a third of an inch from the quick they left untrimmed(clear nails). Since it’s a walk-in service and any groomer available in the back takes them, we rarely met anyone except the receptionist so I’m not even sure if it was the same groomer and we don’t get to meet them unless the receptionist is busy. My girl is stoic and cooperative on the groomer loop and I’ve always been told she is very good and compliant.
@dmaxie61 I would suggest asking the name of the groomer the next time the nails are done well, and ask if you can request that person in the future. The issue could have been you getting a new groomer that's scared to hit the quick.
@muffins322 I would agree normally but this is a place with independent groomers only. They all have been there with their own clients for about 3years then at the end of last year they switched to a coop model so they share a receptionist and space but have individual llcs and make their own hours? At least that’s what their website claims. As far as I understand it to request a specific groomer you would need to make an appointment directly with that groomer but my pup only does walk in services, nothing that would have them give me an appointment.
@devincamary Owners- showing up early or incessantly calling, or when they (grown adults) start crying when they have to give me their dog. It’s a haircut. I’ll have them for like three hours. You’re fine, he’s fine.

Dogs- For some reason when little dogs sniff me nonstop. Especially if they’re not fixed. A tiny cold wet nose constantly rubbing on my arm when i’m trying to scissor a leg makes me very overstimulated, I can’t stand it.
@jcc19240 they act like they’re dropping off their dog at the butcher shop. like ma’am, the only thing that might end up butchered is his haircut if you keep acting like this stressing him out. OMG the sniffing. or if they’re males their pp is just constantly out. like please stop 😭
@jcc19240 I can’t deal with these unfixed dogs. I had one lick my boob the other day (no, I don’t know why) and later on I had a different unneutered dog and he kept trying to lick the same spot. Yuck! Not to mention the “discharge” that inevitably brushes against my arm every once in a while.