What’s everyone’s plan for their 1+ year pup who isn’t getting spayed/neutered?


New member
So for context, I have a 5 month old golden retriever. Based on my research, it appears that the longer the spay/neutering procedure is held off, the chances of less complications as they grow lessens (again this is just high level research I’ve done please if you’re curious to learn more, research on your own).

With that said, our dog is in puppy day care but once she’s one, she’s not allowed to participate in group play because she won’t be spayed; which I completely understand their reasoning and not wanting to be liable in case of an accident.

As our doggy day care has been a godsend, I am unsure how to continue healthy socialization, day care and housing when we would need to travel. 99% of places in my area will take the dog that’s un-spayed but essentially just lock them in a room and provide individual play at an additional cost.

Looking to see what others have or planning on doing if in a similar position. We have a few friends who have dogs but they’re older and while they get along, can only tolerate puppy for so much time lol Again, I understand that it’s our choice to wait to get spayed and with that choice comes “consequences” but again just looking for some advice.
@jalp2016 My GSD bitch had an ovary-sparing spay when she was 2 - they removed her uterus, so she can't get pregnant/has a greatly reduced risk of pyo, but kept her ovaries, so she still has heat cycles and the hormones of an intact bitch. We check her regularly for any lumps in her mammary tissue since mammary tumors and pyo are the risks for intact bitches. I did the OSS on my vet's advice, since in addition to reduced risks of other cancers, it's also associated with better muscle growth and joint health.

My male GSD is one year old and intact, and will stay intact unless he develops a compelling reason to neuter him. I have to carefully manage them when my girl is in heat, but 6 weeks a year of inconvenience for me is worth stacking the deck for better health outcomes for my dogs.

That said, they're GSDs, so I don't take them to doggy daycare or dog parks. They have each other to play with and me to hike with, and my preference is that they ignore other dogs.